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How to Make a Case Study Video

Case study videos can be used for a wide array of marketing initiatives. They can prove to customers that your product or service works and that legitimate, real world problems are best solved with your brand. We’re showing you how to make a case study video and use this form of content to your advantage. Even non-video marketing campaigns can be turned into promotional case studies that prove your value to the audience. Follow along to learn more.

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Set Case Study Goal

The first step is to determine the goal of your case study video. Will you create a case study that closes more sales? Will it educate your customers about the benefits of your product or service? Will it get more email signups? Whatever the intended goal is, make sure it is clear and measurable.

Person Holding Pen Pointing at Graph

Define Target Audience

The next step to making a case study video is to define the audience that you intend to see the video. Every step of the video creation process after this will be based on your audience. Narrow down your target audience by buyer persona to define the exact content that will be appealing and most helpful for your viewer.

Once you define the audience, you should determine what their pain points are and how your product or service offers a solution. This should be used to create your core message and will become the overall basis of your case study content.

customer testimonial video production
Beverly Boy Productions filming a customer testimonial video production

Choose the Case Study to Record

The next step to creating a case study video is to choose a case study that will resonate with your audience and help them to see your brand as a value to them. Many businesses have written case studies published to their blog or on their website for customers to read. These are a great starting point for video case studies. You can easily turn a written case study into a case study video that will reach a wider audience. And, since viewers remember 85% of what they see versus just 20% of what they read, your video case study will make a stronger impact than your written case study data ever did.

The most important factor to consider when choosing a case study to record for your video is whether the content will be compelling enough to get the viewer to take action. Case studies should build a stronger trust in your brand, give your audience something to resonate with, and convert them into paying customers.

If you don’t already have case study content that can easily be turned into a video, consider choosing a consumer to work with that relates to your audience and whose problem is similar to that of your target audience. This way you can create case study content that viewers will resonate deeply with. You want the client that you choose for the case study to be as closely related to your target audience as possible.

Tell the Story

The case study will tell the audience a compelling story that provides a detailed look at the client’s unique situation (which should be similar to situations that your audience may be in), the problem or pain points that the client had, the solution to the problem and the final outcome. Your product or service should be at the core of the solution and the reason for a positive outcome.

You will ask your client several interview questions to get to the bottom of the core message and help viewers to understand the story. Make sure that you only ask open ended questions that will entice the client to respond with detail. Yes/No questions won’t work well.

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Define Visual Style for the Case Study

Next you will define the visual style for the case study video. This should reinforce the story that you are trying to tell while also connecting with the target audience. You want colors, music, background scenes and everything about the video to resonate with your target audience. The more you can connect sounds and visuals with situations that the audience will resonate with, the more of a connection they will make with themselves and your product or service offering.

For help determining the best style for your case study video, contact Beverly Boy Productions. Our professional production company will help you determine the best style for your video.