Benefits of Producing an Investor Video Pitch to Raise Funds for Your Brand

The average investor spends less than 3 minutes reviewing each pitch presented to them before they move on to the next potential project or deal. If you’re not grabbing their attention, right from the start, you stand the risk of missing out completely on gaining their support. Yet, producing an investor video pitch to raise funds for your brand or project isn’t as easy as just throwing your slides into an animated display and calling it a day. There’s so much more that goes into the process, but when it’s done right you stand the chance of raising the necessary funding required for your business or brand.

Why Use an Investor Video Pitch?

What’s so great about a video pitch over a standard pitch deck or presentation? According to HubSpot, people are up to 64% more likely to purchase a product or service after they watch a video. Therefore, we believe the same would hold true for investors. Surely, when presented with a video pitch over a traditional presentation or written investor pitch, the results would be that more investors would have interest in the video pitch over the traditional pitch presentation?

Videos have the power to grab the attention of the audience and they work great in terms of sticking with the viewer. While we might retain 10% of what we read (this is the same for investors, too),  we tend to retain up to 90% or more of what we see on video. So if you want your pitch to stick, presentation counts and video is the only way to go!

product pitch video producer

A Video Pitch will Raise More Funds

According to recent reports from a Kickstarter campaign, when video is involved in the pitch process 66% of campaigns raise money for their projects. This is compared to just 33% of campaigns that raise money without the use of video. An investor video pitch will raise funds for your project substantially faster, and substantially larger, than if you were to pitch via traditional pitch deck or without the use of supportive video visuals.

Not only does video help to increase the likelihood that a campaign will raise funds, statistics presented from Indiegogo support the idea that video increases the total amount of funding that a campaign will receive. In fact, reporting from Indiegogo stated that the average video campaign raises 114% more than those that do not use video or, in other words, an investor video pitch has the power to increase your campaign funding by 114% over a campaign that lacks video!

Video Allows More Detail to be Shared

One of the top complaints from investors is that they receive so many pitch decks each year and not only do they lack time to review the 20+ page long documents, they often find that the document lacks detailed information that could help them come to terms with the idea of supporting a product, service, project, or campaign. However, an investor video pitch provides the opportunity for you to share more information and detail about your business or brand in a fraction of the time.

Where the average investor can read 250 words per minute, which means they are able to consume about 750 words about your business or brand in the 3 minutes they might spend reviewing your pitch deck, a video communicates an average of 1.8M words per minute. This means, when an investor watches your three minute video pitch, they’re able to consume approximately 5.4M words worth of content. Surely this is enough information to communicate substantially more detail than would be provided otherwise!

Videos Add a Personal Touch & Showcase Passion

Video is the number one chosen form of content online accounting for more than 82% of all internet traffic and searches and growing. Video is the chosen form of content for senior executives. More than half of all senior executives frequently engages in work related videos and are receptive of video advertising. What does this mean for your investor video pitch?

Videos are the ideal format of content for senior level executives, many of whom are likely to be involved in determining whether your pitch is sufficient for their investment funding! The use of video to engage investors and capture their attention is almost always stronger than any other format of content available. 

Not only is video chosen over other forms of content, it adds a personal touch and allows the creator business to showcase their passion, something that written pitch decks cannot possibly do!  Pitch decks are impersonal and they come off as flat and hard to relate to. An exceptionally produced video pitch has the power to please!

Produce an Investor Video Pitch Today

Certainly the decision to produce an investor pitch video out-numbers the potential decision to create a written, traditional pitch deck but in case you need some additional benefits of producing an investor video pitch for your campaign to raise funds, consider the following:

  • Pitch videos can be sent to more investors.
  • Pitch videos have many use cases, they can be used not only to pitch the business for investments but multi-purposed to highlight financial data, summarize key leaders, and explain the corporate mission of your brand.
  • Videos increase email click through and conversions.
  • A video is more likely to convert than any other form of content used to create your pitch.

Contact Beverly Boy Productions today to get started producing an investor video pitch that will not only generate excitement around your business or brand, but which will draw in solid investment funding for your brand. We can’t wait to help you get started!