Funeral Live Streaming Services in Norman

If you’ve recently lost a friend or family member, you may be looking for a way to be present at the service. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible. Whether due to illness or scheduling issues, if you can’t travel to a service, consider how funeral live streaming services in Norman could be helpful. 

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Live streaming technology allows funeral homes to add extra support to their services, especially during times like this. When many are unable to gather in large gatherings or travel, live streaming services allow family and friends to stay connected and present for a service, even if just on their phones or laptops.  


Live Streaming Funeral Services Keep Families Connected

Whether you have family across the globe or loved ones states away from your location, technology has a way of keeping you connected. While live stream services have been around for 20-something years, they’re only beginning to be more commonly used at funerals.


With over 20% of funeral homes providing this service, it could be a helpful way for you and yours to be together in your grief, regardless of distance. While it may seem inappropriate to have this technology at a funeral, unless your deceased loved one would have been against it, it could be the thing that keeps you supported in your grief, by allowing you to be present with your circle during the funeral—even if just online.


Global Reach For Grieving Friends & Family Members

Your family and friends may want to be present at the service but life happens and it isn’t always possible. With funeral live streaming services in Norman, everyone in your circle can have the chance to pay their respects to your deceased loved one, even if they’re on the other side of the world. As long as everyone has internet connections, they can be present for the service. 


Benefits of Funeral Live Streaming

This type of event can be shared privately, available only to family and friends. Funeral live streaming services in Norman offers benefits in these ways: 


– Funeral services are more for the people who have lost someone than for the one who passed away. So, if attending a service is important for your grieving process, it could be beneficial to attend through live stream services if you can’t make it in person.


– Chat features on live stream platforms allows grieving loved ones to be in touch with each other. This allows for the connection and support you need during this time.


– You can plan a funeral as soon as possible when you choose to use live stream technology as you won’t have to wait for traveling loved ones.


– You can save the footage from the live stream for grieving purposes in the future or if you have loved ones who couldn’t be present while the service was taking place.


– If you have children but don’t want to bring them to the funeral, a live stream service on your phone allows you to be present while keeping them away from grieving loved ones.

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We Are Here to Help

Team Beverly Boy in office

Discussing funeral plans is never fun. We understand. It can be helpful to prepare to ensure that everyone can be a part of the service. With our help at Beverly Boy Productions, you can get reliable and discreet funeral live streaming services in Norman so you can simply focus on being close to your loved ones. Call us today!