Post-2020 COVID Outlook on the New York City Film Industry

The New York City film industry was deeply impacted by COVID-19 when the pandemic brought just above everything, including filmmaking, to a halt. Businesses closed, movie production was paused, film sets shut down, and studios were all but boarded up. Health and safety became the focus as the world scrambled to find a vaccine. However, eventually pressure would lighten and the New York City film industry would begin to gain back some semblance of normalcy, albeit, just a little.

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NYC Film Industry 2020

New York City had more than 80 film series that were either in process or planning for production between the 2019 and 2020 season. That was before production came to halt in early-2020. Fortunately, that halt wasn’t permanent.

By November 2020, more than 35 of those productions were back at it and popular television shows like “Blue Bloods’ and “Younger” were once again filming. 

Stages were only allowed to film at 50% capacity per state regulations, but what does that even mean?

It means that, although the New York City film industry is technically gaining back some ground and ramping up post-COVID and in the middle of the pandemic, the capacity to grow is strictly limited for the health and safety of those involved in filmmaking.

Unions, paired with the City of New York government as well as state government officials have made continued production progress slow — but steady! Unfortunately, early measures show production costs climbing drastically by as much as 30%. 

On Location shooting is slower than years prior, largely due to the complex logistics involved in planning a NYC shoot, but as more vaccines are distributed and gradually more outdoor spaces becomes accessible with the Spring and Summer months approaching, the New York City film industry should begin to return to normal – or at least to a new normal for filmmakers. 

State Production Credits

Fortunately, the New York State Film Tax Credit Program is in place for at least 5 more years. The tax credit provides up to 30% for post-production expenses as a fully refundable credit.

So, despite production costs rising, filmmakers can recuperate some of their expenses for post-production through this refundable credit which is encouraged for all filmmakers to consider!

The Good News

Although a lot has changed for the New York City film industry, filmmakers have long been prepared for things to change frequently and for the need to adjust and adapt on the fly.

COVID caused everyone to face adjusting and adapting, but for filmmakers it’s just another day in producing videos and media content. The good news is, film crews have already adjusted and are doing well with the new regulations and guidance. 

The New York City film industry is strong and powerful with a lot of benefits to be experienced by filmmakers.

Beverly Boy Productions, like other film crews, is prepared for each day in NYC and for the adjustments that will continue to take place as we navigate a new normal in filmmaking in the Big Apple.