5 Benefits of Working with Independent Film Production Companies in New York

Filmmaking in New York is extremely competitive and busy. Hiring a local film crew to produce your video projects is something that you’ve probably considered, especially if you’re a New York business owner. Working with independent film production companies in New York certainly has a number of benefits. Aside from being professional and experienced, we’ve found many other reasons to hire local production crews rather than out-of-area providers, especially if you want your production to go seamlessly.

Video Production Jobs in New York

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Here are just a few of the benefits that we’ve found with choosing independent film production companies in New York over other options.

1. Save on Travel

Granted, travel expenses are relatively low right now, but that will certainly not last long. Travel expenses can vary and will chew up a ton of your budget if you hire a crew that’s not local to your area.

Think about the expense of flying 5-15 or more people back and forth several times and then think about where they will all stay? Even a short and relatively low-cost video project will quickly skyrocket if travel is involved.

2. Health & Safety 

Independent film production companies in New York know the health and safety regulations that are required of New York businesses and, since they’re working locally, they’re likely following the same health and safety regulations themselves.

With public health initiatives becoming increasingly more important to consider than ever before, many businesses are choosing local simply to reduce the potential of bringing people from outside the city in, and also to limit the risk to both their personnel and to others. Less travel means less risk for health and safety.

3. Local Knowledge

Hiring local independent film production companies in New York means that you’ll have a crew that has local knowledge. They know the area. They know the best shooting spots and the amount of time or effort it will take to get from one location to the next.

This means they’ll have better ability to schedule your production and that they should have more time to be creative with the process rather than having to spend all of their spare time researching a place they’ve never been to before.

Locals can quickly schedule shoot locations, equipment rentals, and various other needs. They know the rules and regulations, and can pull strings when it comes to permitting, safety, and other needs.

4. One-on-One Meetings

BBP meeting

Face-to-face or one-on-one meetings are important to filmmaking, even if you’re producing a short 1-minute landing page video or something similar. Being able to communicate face-to-face can improve the communication process and can reduce misunderstandings.

When you hire a team that’s not local, a simple face-to-face meeting requires extensive planning and travel. Hiring local saves all of the hassle!

5. Budget Cuts

Local filmmakers know all of the ins and outs of their city. They know how to cut costs and curb expenses because they’ve been in the area long enough to know when “John from the equipment rental place will lend what they need for half price on Wednesdays” or when “Sue from that restaurant on 5th Street will rent the dining room out for shoots on Friday nights for next to nothing.”

These kinds of insight and local tips can help in cutting the budget, sometimes substantially. 

Working with independent film production companies in New York City is something that many business owners consider, but aren’t quite sure of until they see all the great benefits – then it seems like a must.

To hire a NYC production company for your business, give Beverly Boy Productions a call today at 646-448-8787!