7 Keys to Booking the Right Film Production Companies in Miami

The film industry is highly competitive in Miami and there’s an abundance of professional producers and production companies in the city vying for the work of local businesses. As such, booking film production companies in Miami, Florida can be an overwhelming process for a business owner. Especially if you’re entirely new to the film scene. The highly-competitive market has no lack of professionals that are ready and prepared to tackle your project. Here’s how you can be sure you’re booking the right film production companies in Miami for your business.

Video Production Jobs in Miami

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1. Plan Your Video Projects & Needs

content marketing plan

Before you can book Miami production companies for your project, you’re going to need a plan.

What kind of video production are you looking for? What kind of videos are you planning? Will you produce training videos? Corporate videos? Testimonial videos? A livestream event?

This is important because any production company that you contact is going to ask what kind of services you’re looking for.

2. Research Local Companies with Unique Skills

Research Google or other platforms to find local companies that provide the unique skills required to fulfill your project.

For example, if you’re producing a live stream, you’re going to research “Miami live stream companies” or “Film production companies in Miami that do live stream.”

The purpose is to come up with a list of companies in the area that can provide the services you need.

3. Seek Local References

If you’re a business owner in Miami that knows other area business owners, asking around for local references before booking film production companies in Miami can help you to nail down a crew that’s ideal for you.

A local reference, from a company that has work already completed which is up to your standards, is a ticket to hiring exactly who you need for the job. Don’t be afraid to ask around!

4. Check Demos & Portfolios

With the list of area production companies that are capable of delivering your project it’s time to start your analysis. You should pick a couple of specific elements to analyze and go with it.

For example, if you’re looking for a production company that specializes in live stream, and you know you want a professional broadcast quality, you should be analyzing past company live streams and the quality of the stream as your first important checkpoint. 

While most companies are going to provide a demo reel for your review, we encourage you to look beyond the demo.

While a demo is great, it frequently shows only certain styles and techniques and may not represent the type of work that you’re looking for and doesn’t always apply to your individual project needs.

5. Discuss Budget

Before booking film production companies in Miami, you’re going to have to discuss budget.

While pricing can vary greatly between production companies, it’s important to find a crew that can deliver your project within your budget. Don’t settle for less! 

Equally important, is to weed out the various production companies that may be so far out of budget that you really just can’t afford their work.

This is your chance to narrow the list down to those who can, and cannot, be considered for the task.

6. Communicate Project Needs

Virtual face-to-face meetings

As you narrow your list of film production companies in Miami that are best suited for your project it’s important to communicate your project needs with each of the professionals.

This is your opportunity to decide whether you can see yourself and your crew communicating with their company long term on a project and it’s also a good opportunity to see whether each film company that you’re considering is actively engaged in your project and interested. 

When speaking with them, do they ask questions about your project? Do they appear to have interest in your ideas and have their own ideas too? Are they actively communicating with you or does it feel rehearsed or forced?

You’re looking for a company that you can comfortably communicate well with. The process shouldn’t feel like a struggle.

7. Ask for Written Quotes

The final step to booking the right film production companies in Miami for your project is to get your quotes in writing so that you can compare them against all of the other information you’ve gathered about each professional crew.

In comparing quotes, it’s important to consider also the communication and professionalism of each production company, their past work, their skills and their portfolios.

You’re looking for a full-package company that appears to have the skills, technique, and ability to deliver your project within budget.