What is Webcasting & How Does a Live Webcast Work_

What is Webcasting & How Does a Live Webcast Work?

A webcast is a live demonstration that takes place over the internet and is distributed to an intended audience such as your team or network of potential clients. Webcasting a video meeting or presentation to your team represents a way of staying connected in an otherwise distant world. We’re showing you how live webcasting connects you with your team or audience to fulfill business needs despite being distanced or otherwise unable to meet face-to-face.

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    Exactly What is Webcasting?

    Webcasting is the process of delivering a live video broadcast over the internet. Much like television broadcasting takes place via the TV, webcasting takes place via the web.

    The technology that is used to produce a live webcast allows for the webcaster and their audience to participate in active, real-time conversations during the event.

    Live webcasting takes place in real-time. Much like an in-person meeting would allow for the members of the meeting to communicate together, a webcasted meeting allows for the same communication via technology that connects the team together.

    Is Webcasting Affordable?


    The short answer is, Yes! Webcasting is an affordable and effective tool for businesses to use to stay connected with one another and continue business operations despite changes in society that have many businesses operating from home or distanced locations.

    Webcasting, in the simplest form, requires just access to a computer that includes a webcam and microphone as well as an active internet connection.

    In more advanced forms, webcasting can include an entire webcasting production crew, professional camera equipment and audio feeds, as well as extensive equipment to ensure there are no hiccups or risks for the webcasted content to be hacked or otherwise accessed by the wrong people.

    Benefits of Webcasting


    Webcasting provides a wide range of benefits and uses for businesses both large and small. Webcasting a meeting allows for all members to be involved from their own respective offices or homes without having to be present in a single location.

    Likewise, webcasting an event allows for a larger audience despite location limitations – essentially anyone can attend from anywhere in the world.

    Webcasting allows you to answer questions and interact with the audience in real-time. Brands find that webcasting is a beneficial marketing tool as well as an ideal tool for training and for corporate communications.

    Conferences and meetings can take place via live stream webcast as well as customer Q&A sessions that answer customers in real-time. Brands that are using webcasting can maximize their potential reach and engagement while extending their value beyond their brick and mortar locations.

    How Brands are Using Webcasts

    There are a slew of ways that webcasts can be used by brands. In the simplest use, webcasts are used to host live meetings in which employees attend from all corners of the world by logging into the cast and participating in real-time.

    Likewise, educational webcasts provide training and learning opportunities to viewers. Some brands are event using webcasts to teach customers how to use products or services or to answer questions about products or services in real-time.

    Get Started with Webcasting

    Ready to get started with webcasting for your company? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808. We’ll put our professional webcasting production crew to work implementing the best live stream webcast for your business or brand. From start to finish, Team Beverly Boy is ready to assist you in all of your webcast needs.