How to Set Up a Cooking Live Stream Kitchen

How to Set Up a Cooking Live Stream Kitchen

If you know your way around the kitchen, and you feel like sharing your recipes and enthusiasm for cooking with others online could be beneficial, live streaming a cooking show just might be the right choice. However, you’ll probably be surprised to find out that your own kitchen isn’t quite ideal for video production. If you’re lucky, learning how to set up a cooking live stream kitchen in a studio will be one of the many to-do list items that you must cross of your planning list as you prepare to produce your cooking show.


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    Setting up a kitchen studio for live stream production of a cooking segment is certainly a mix of fun and focus on features.

    You may not think about some of the simplest things like the color of the kitchen cabinets or counters and how they will impact your live stream production.

    Which is why, we’ve put together this helpful guide on how to set up a cooking live stream kitchen either in a studio or when adjusting your own kitchen in preparation for live stream production of your cooking segment. 

    1. Avoid Kitchen Hoods (If Possible)

    Some stoves have bulky hoods that can directly impede filming, especially when filming from overhead.

    If you can avoid installing a hood, or if you can opt for a condensed hood that is closer to the wall and doesn’t compromise the angle overhead for filming – you’re done yourself a favor!

    In a studio kitchen, you might notice that there are no hoods over the stove. In fact, there won’t be much overhead – the idea is to keep this area wide open so that cameras, microphones, and other equipment can move overhead — freely.

    2. Choose Non-Reflective Colors for the Walls and Counter Surfaces


    Lighting can create a lot of reflection if your kitchen counters or surfaces are reflective colors like white. Instead, opt for a non-reflective color that will limit the amount of light that reflects into the camera lens.

    Dark colors are best as they limit the amount of light reflection that will occur and they still look vibrant and beautiful in the kitchen.

    3. Make Sure The Central Prep Area of the Kitchen has Power

    The prep area should have power and be easily accessible while allowing for the film crew to capture the action. Learning how to set up a cooking live stream kitchen prep station is all about function.

    An island is often the location for this type of prep work. If you’ll use the island for prep, make sure that you do not have pendant lighting or other overhead lights that will impact the ability for the camera crew to capture footage from overhead.

    4. Limit Clutter on Countertops

    pexels-kitchen counter

    Finally, if you’re filming your live stream cooking show from your own kitchen, make sure that you’ve cleaned up the countertops and eliminated any visible clutter.

    Unused appliances or other clutter on the countertops can distract your audience and will limit the space that your production crew has to otherwise place lighting or other gear for the production.

    Keep this in mind as you’re learning how to set up a cooking live stream kitchen area that works for you!

    Need a kitchen studio to shoot your live stream cooking show in? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808!