How to Hire a Greensboro Hybrid Event Company

Hybrid events that include mixed components of virtual event engagement opportunities as well as in-person or live-event attendance options have quickly become the most popular option among many organizations. Hiring a local Greensboro hybrid event company to assist with the production of an engaging hybrid event for your attendees is an incredibly important decision. These events require a lot of technical insight and support to ensure that attendees are engaged and entertained both via the virtual component and via the in-person option. This is why it’s so important to hire a Greensboro hybrid event company to assist in the production of such an event.

virtual conference

What is a Hybrid Event?

A hybrid event is any event that includes both a virtual component and an in-person option for attendees to engage with or otherwise experience the event. These types of events have become the new normal for most organizations as more businesses seek to reach the widest audience with their messaging and promotions despite limited venue space or reduced resources. 

Tradeshows, conferences, town-hall meetings, and a variety of other events have turned to a hybrid production and distribution method in order to maximize reach and increase audience engagement. These events are ideal for attendees that cannot travel or who don’t want to travel, they’re great for those who can only attend one day in-person of a two-day event and wish to attend the second day from home, and they’re ideal for event speakers that cannot be present in-person as they provide the flexibility for attendees and speakers to engage virtually and in-person, alike.

How Do Hybrid Events Work?

Hybrid events feature the in-person component that would take place in the Greensboro venue of your choice as well as the virtual component that takes place via an app or internet hosted event platform that can feature the branding of the organization for recognition. Attendees that choose to engage in the event virtually can take part in watching livestreams, engaging in teleconferencing, and participating in games, polls, or other interactive elements of the event online via the app or platform host.

Onsite, hybrid events look just like a typical live, in-person event. However, it’s common for some hybrid events to host a smaller, in-person event in order to save on venue rental and other needs. It’s entirely possible for hybrid events to include a very small in-person event followed by an incredibly large pool of virtual event attendees. This is ultimately up to the discretion of the event holder.

Why Hire a Greensboro Hybrid Event Company?

Hiring a Greensboro hybrid event company to assist in the production of a hybrid event that represents your organization is definitely a big decision. However, we do recommend you work with a professional for a number of reasons. Hybrid events require a lot of technical understanding and detail in order to ensure that your audience is engaged and entertained whether they’re attending the Greensboro event venue or they’re present online via the virtual event host. 

By working closely with a Greensboro hybrid event company, you know that you’ll be getting the most professional production of your event. In fact, professional Greensboro hybrid event production companies will assist you with:

  • Securing the Greensboro event venue of your choice.
  • Making sure your content is engaging and translating content via video, livestream, live polls, and other needs.
  • Ensuring attendees onsite are enjoying the event and having fun.
  • Forming presentations, keynote sessions, and virtual-only interviews for attendees.
  • Filming or broadcasting event presentations for virtual viewers.
  • Pre-recording and livestreaming setup and management.
  • Interactive event consultation & execution.

Videographer Prepping Camera Gear 19

There’s really a lot of work that goes into the production of a Greensboro hybrid event. Working closely with a professional Greensboro hybrid event company to assist you with the process is key. 

Give Beverly Boy Productions a call to learn more about hiring our crew to produce your hybrid event in Greensboro. We have more than two decades of experience and look forward to assisting in the production of hybrid events for your organization. Beverly Boy Productions is your Greensboro hybrid event company!