What Does a Video Hosting Server Cost_

What Does a Video Hosting Server Cost?

Many businesses are turning to video for the critical operations such as training, management improvements, and even video conferencing as well as corporate events held virtually via video and while doing this is all a great opportunity, the decision to host video for all of these business functions also comes with added costs.

Scaling the use of video for business operations requires an understanding of video hosting servers and the estimated costs involved, but what does a video hosting server cost? That all really depends on your server needs, the deployment scenarios that are best for you, and how much storage you’ll require.

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    Video Hosting Server Cost Factors


    Several cost factors influence video hosting server expenses. Whether you intend to host your video on a live, on-site server or within cloud-based server hosting will be the first big decision that you must make. Live, on-site server costs have several expenses involved including the annual licensing for a video hosting application as well as the costs associated with the addition of new users, modules or nodes to be added to the server. Likewise, cloud based server hosting will require monthly server subscription for licensing and hosting applications that could go up with each subscription term.

    How the video hosting server is installed will also play into the total cost. Installation and setup of an in-person or on-site video host server will be substantially higher than a cloud based solution of the same magnitude. The installer will make special configurations for your database and must help with any near future database configurations which means added costs for professionals. Likewise, cloud based video hosting servers have lower installation fees and typically less costs for server upgrades or incremental improvements along the way.

    Additional Video Hosting Costs


    In addition to the above costs you must consider training and hiring of IT experts involved in the maintenance and critical management of the video host server. An on-site video host server will require IT technicians to be locally available to help you with the maintenance,management, and IT staff training required to maintain the server. A cloud based video host will have an easier setup and typically features video based training that is made available to the purchaser for the lifetime of their involvement in the video based server user.

    How much storage do you need? This is a very common question when it comes to video hosting costs. An on-site server requires hardware upgrades in order to purchase additional storage and extend the amount of capital investment you put into video hosting. However, cloud based storage can be significantly cheaper and easier to invest as you go or as you need more storage.

    But what does a video hosting server cost?  Monthly cloud-based video hosting server costs can range from free or under $100 per month to $500 per month or based on your individual needs and the level of storage or features provided. For an on-site server, hosting can cost significantly more upfront and the ongoing costs are likely to be substantially more. Additionally, hosting your video from your own server comes with several potential risks including the potential for downtime, server failure, or lack of server space.

    Need to know more about video hosting server costs? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call to get more information about the appropriate video server hosting for your needs.