Funeral Live Streaming Services in Hillsboro

When your loved one passes, it could be challenging to have everyone present at the funeral—especially in this day and age. Whether travel costs or illness prevent you from being present at a funeral service, funeral live streaming services in Hillsboro can help ensure you can at least be there via technology.   

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Live streaming technology makes it easy for families to grieve together even if they’re far from each other. Funeral homes are offering this extra support for grieving families, as paying respects at a service can be important for many people who are grieving.


Live Streaming Funeral Services Keep Loved Ones Close

There are many things that separate families from living in the same city. This is when technology can be helpful. From job offers to global travel, families may be spread all over the world when a loved one passes. This is why technology can be helpful. Live stream technology has been around for over two decades but has recently become more popular in the funeral industry.  


Although it may seem a bit inappropriate for some, live streaming a funeral can be beneficial for those who cannot all be present in the same place for a service. It allows families to be together in their grief, which is important in the healing process.


Global Reach for Grieving Friends & Family Members

You may have loved ones who want to make it to the service but illness or high travel costs prevent them from being able to make it. The global reach provided by funeral live streaming services in Hillsboro ensures everyone can be together despite the distance.


Benefits found in Funeral Live Streaming

Live streaming is now offered by over 20% of funeral homes in the country and while it is a new concept for many, is a beneficial option for grieving loved ones who can’t be present at the service in person. You don’t have to be worried about the public viewing the event as it can be shared over a private network that is password-protected for only your family and friends.


Funeral live streaming services in Hillsboro offers benefits in these following ways: 


– You can plan a funeral quickly when you use live stream services to share it with your family across the globe. This may be needed for a variety of reasons.


– Recording the live stream footage makes it possible to share the service with those who may have been unable to make it in person. It can also be useful for the grieving process to revisit the service.


– Anyone who is attending the live stream service can chat with those who are attending remotely as well, so everyone gets the support they need throughout the experience.


– Attending a funeral is necessary for saying goodbye to your loved one. Even attending online can help you through the various stages of grief.


– Some parents don’t want to bring their children to funerals. So, instead attending a live stream funeral can help you be present at the service while keeping the kids away from grief.

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We Are Here to Help

Team Beverly Boy crew

Discussing details of a funeral isn’t fun but it’s important to plan for everyone to be present. At Beverly Boy Productions, we can provide the reliable service you’re looking for. We’ll take care of the funeral live streaming services in Hillsboro so you can simply focus on being present with your family! Contact us today.