St. Petersburg Freelance Videographer Prices in 2024

St. Petersburg Freelance Videographer Prices in 2024

Did you know that 87% of marketing professionals use video in marketing campaigns? Videography has increased in use in the business world. Over the past 10 years, statistics have proven how effective video marketing can be, so it’s no wonder that brands use it for their company objectives.  

Hiring a freelance video maker can be ideal for you when you really want to make a splash with your target demographic. Russia freelance videographers have experience with many kinds of clients and companies so you can bet you’ll find the perfect match for you. An experienced freelance videographer with years in the industry knows how to create the most compelling, high-quality video for any company. They can make your vision a reality. 

Thankfully,  St. Petersburg freelance videographer prices in 2024 haven’t increased by much. While many freelance videographers in 196650 typically charge hourly rates and day rates a few freelancers charge half day rates.
But if you are online looking for a “videographer near me”, no matter what type of prices you’re seeing there are things to consider before budgeting: the type of video you’re hoping to make, it’s duration, and also the crew and equipment needed to bring your vision alive. 

Get a video qoute for your project today


    You may be looking for event videography in area or internal marketing videography, but whatever you have in mind, there are some determining factors behind the budgeting for your project. So, take into account the following questions: 

    1. What do you want your video to do? Do you need a video to show off a product? What about producing a highlight reel from a recent event? Filming a product video will require different staff than what goes into event videography. (A professional videographer can take the answer to your question and help to create the most compelling video possible.)
    2. What do you want included in your video? Videos such as explainer videos or employee training videos could benefit from the use of voice over narration. The price of narrators will cost a bit less than what it would cost to hire a full crew. Basically, the larger the team for the job, the higher the price for the job.
    3. Where do you want your video to be filmed? If you’re unsure about where to film, a reliable camera crew can easily suggest film studios or exterior locations. When you consider studio prices and permits, where you film at will impact your video.

    These three questions are important to think about as you plan for a St. Petersburg videography budget, but the best professional videographers will be able to turn your vision into a reality. It’s what we are passionate about, after all.  



    Prices vary dependent on what a project will entail. When it comes to the rates for videographers in St. Petersburg, there are different averages you can refer to. This list we’ve compiled will help you plan ahead—it includes the pre-production, production, and post-production processes.


    • Video Director: $23/hour to $253/hour 
    • Script Writer/Marketer: $63/hour to $153/hour
    • Video Editor: $63/hour to $173/hour
    • Cameramen: $103/hour to $403/hour
    • Equipment: $23/hour to $103’s/hour
    • Narrators/Voiceovers: $103 to $403
    • Audio Files: $33 to $1,003
    • Video Rendering: $33/hour to $78/hour
    • B-Roll: 13% to 53% addition to shooting costs
    • ‘Miscellaneous Fees‘: $103 to $1003’s 


    Whether you want to hire a photographer to capture great product angles or need to host a live stream, hiring a professional St. Petersburg videographer doesn’t have to stress you out. With the best freelancer in Leningrad your vision can be brought to life, no matter your budget. Plus, Saint Petersburg has some competitive St. Petersburg freelance videographer prices in 2024 with comfortable summers, very cold winters, and top sites like Peterhof and Winter Palace.  

    At Beverly Boy Productions in St. Petersburg, we put our 15+  years of time on the job to good use for any project. If you’re ready to start filming your next project. Or if you are searching for St. Petersburg Freelance Videographer Prices in 2024 please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.