What’s the Best Story Structure for Short Films?

In determining or choosing the best story structure for short films. It’s important to understand that many aspiring screenwriters can struggle with this, and it’s okay. Short films, must like full-length feature movies, will frequently follow a similar three-act story structure. This is the most simplistic story structure. But don’t get the fact that we’re only talking about three-acts confused. And think that a story cannot be complex if it follows this story structure.

short film location scouting

The three act story structure for short films is not only the primary chosen options for screenwriters. It’s a fail proof method of writing a script that every filmmaker should perfect.

What is the Three-Act Story Structure?

The three-act story structure is a simplified structure that essentially breaks down a film into three-acts. Which effectively include the beginning, the middle and the end of a story.

Within these three-acts, a lot of action and information is delivered to the audience. Whether you’re writing a full-feature narrative, or a short-film. The best story structure and the one that we learn as early as kindergarten, is the three act story structure. 

What’s In Each Act?

scriptwriting by hand

Short films and screenplays that follow the three-act story structure will almost certainly have similarities in terms of what is included in each act.

No matter how distinctly different the, plot, characters, and underlying elements of the story are.

The overall details to include in each act will generally be as follows:

Act 1: 

The Beginning. Short films should introduce the characters, the Protagonist, and the setting in this act. It’s also important to grab the attention of the audience in Act 1 because if you don’t, they won’t stick around for Act 2. 

Act 1 may be several scenes long, or incredibly short. This all depends on the total overall length of your short film.

Act 2:

The Middle. Short films use Act 2 to tell the main parts of the story. This is the time to share the character’s goal and the influences or obstacles that a character is facing.

The middle of the story is also generally the longest part of the story. It will vary based on the total video length, the genre, and the story itself. This is building up to and just almost reaching the climax.

Act 3: 

The End. Short films use Act 3 to end the story. The character either achieved, or did not achieve his goal. The climax is reached. The resolution was found. The film peaks and there is big excitement — and a cool down. Act 3 wraps the story.

As you can see, the best story structure for short films is the three-act story structure which really does an excellent job of delivering the desired narrative outline without mudding up the process.

This is the simplest, and widely understood method of writing a short screenplay or film and it’s a wrap!