Commercial Filmmaker’s Guide to Kansas Statutes on Filming in Prison

Commercial Filmmaker’s Guide to Kansas Statutes on Filming in Prison

Whether you’re a commercial filmmaker that lives in The Midwestern state of Kansas. And are considering a film shoot behind the bars of the state prison system. Or you’re planning from another area of the country. Filming inside a prison system guarantees that there will be statutes and specific rules which apply. The Kansas statutes on filming in prison are absolutely vital for a filmmakers to understand and prepare for. Particularly if they should intend to film behind bars for any purpose. 

As a filmmaker, bringing your camera and your crew into the Kansas state prison system to capture is not only ethically and logistically challenging for you as a producer. But it’s also potentially challenging on all fronts for the prison system itself.

But, if you’re producing a reality television show, or a realistic prison shoot of any sort really. There’s a good chance you’ll be facing the need to be familiar with the statutes and rules in regards to the shoot.


In Kansas you’re going to have to follow specific prisoner privacy rules as they apply to obtaining prisoner consent when filming inside the prison.

As well as those which represent their statutory legal rights. As they apply individually to the filming of prisoners that reside in the state system.

To help you understand the importance of prison privacy? Make sure that you are fully aware of the individual privacy laws and Kansas statutes on filming in prison. Especially those which apply specifically to prisoner privacy. 

These may include omitting a prisoner’s face or facial features. Omitting the front view of a prisoner. Or making sure that you are not filming any marks that might distinguish a prisoner from another inmate or individual that may or may not be in the Kansas prison system.


If you’re able to get your foot in the door, the way that Lockup Kansas was able to back in 2015, and are approved to film inside the Kansas state prison system.

It’s going to be absolutely vital that you and anyone in your crew follow any and all safety protocols that are in place. For your protection, and for the protection for others. It’s going to be very important to maintain all safety protocols while you’re filming inside the prison system.

The following safety protocols, in conjunction with the Kansas statutes on filming in prison are likely to be required when you film inside any of the prison facilities in this Midwest state.


  • Remain calm while filming and avoid becoming part of the story that you’re filming.
  • Stay away from situations that arise without warning.
  • Lower cameras if you find yourself filming a situation that is heated or otherwise dangerous.
  • Follow any and all rules within the existing system.


As you can see, the Kansas statutes on filming in prison are likely to include coverage that will keep the filmmaker, cast, crew and most of all the inmates safe while a film is being produced.

Before you begin filming within the prison, make sure that you have familiarized yourself with the statues and rules. And that you’re prepared for what’s to come!

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