A Powerful Example of Alliteration in Film
A popular literary device that you frequently see in storytelling and literature for young children in particular. Alliteration represents the linking of two or more words that share the same beginning consonant sounds. You might recall some examples of alliteration in film, like when the film V for Vendetta was released?

Alliteration is used quite frequently in filmmaking as we’ve seen in many different kids movies from times past but also in films that adults are quite fond of as well.
Examples of Alliteration in Storytelling & Literature
Probably the simplest way to help you understand how alliteration is used in the film industry is to take a step back and show some examples of alliteration in storytelling and literature. A common use for alliteration can be in tongue twisters.
For example, any of the following tongue twisters are actually powerful examples of alliteration:
- Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Or Peter Piper picked a pail of pickled peppers.
- Rubber baby buggy bumpers.
- How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
- She sells seashells down by the seashore.
There are many others, particularly the many different stories by Dr. Seuss tend to use alliteration rather frequently as did famous authors Edgar Allan Poe as was examined in The Raven.
Particularly the sentence which mentioned, “And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain.” We see alliteration in so many instances of literature and storytelling it’s no surprise that one might recognize an equally powerful example of alliteration in film and television, too.
Examples of Alliteration in Film Titles
Recall the example we used in the opening paragraph, V for Vendetta? Film titles like this frequently use alliteration as a means of exhibiting the repetitious use of the same consonant sound in multiple words of a title.
Consider the following examples of alliteration in film and television titles:
- Bad Boys
- Brother Bear
- Peter Pan
- Final Fantasy
- Breaking Bad
- Saving Silverman
- Double Dare
- Rat Race
Moreover, the use of alliterative titles is really incredibly common for films and television shows. But we also see the use of alliterative names for characters in film and television too.
Consider the following examples of alliteration in character names from film and television:
- Walter White
- Saul Silver
- Bruce Banner
- Lois Lane
Why Alliteration Examples in Film are So Common
What is it that makes alliteration so common in film and television? Just like in storytelling, alliteration can be for creating titles, names, and other elements that stand out and audiences can easily recall.
The use of alliteration examples in film and in television, through the creation of alliterative titles, character names, and general script dialogue between individuals within the film is one of the many ways that filmmakers can make their films stand out.