Benefits of Creating Elearning Interactive Video Training Programs

The use of interactive video for your training is essential to building a strong team that follows along with the training you provide to be the best that they can be. Producing eLearning interactive video training programs for your team to follow along and engage with places you at the height of the action when it comes to presenting a top quality training experience that your team is going to benefit from. No matter what industry you’re in, how large or small your team is, or what type of training is required as part of the standard operation of your day-to-day business procedures, creating eLearning interactive video training can have several key benefits over other training programs and formats.

At Beverly Boy Productions, we specialize in the production of eLearning videos, training videos, and interactive video content for businesses and organizations large and small. With decades of experience in the industry and crews stationed worldwide, we’re ready to help you lead your team to success. Give us a call to learn more about creating eLearning interactive video training for your team so that you can begin to experience the following benefits.

Multi-Device Support for Ease of Access & Engagement

With eLearning interactive video training you can provide training videos to your team and they’re easily accessible. Not only do interactive training videos work across a wide variety of PC browsers, they’re also easily accessed from a phone, tablet, or virtually any device that has an internet connection. This means that you can make training readily available to your team and they’ll be able to engage from just about anywhere that they’ve got a stable internet connection.

Training will no longer require your team to spend long hours at a convention center or in a classroom. Instead, powerfully effective and engaging training can be provided via videos that your team can interact with at their own pace, on their own time, and whenever or wherever they feel most comfortable doing so.

The greatest benefit of this multi-device access and engagement is that your team is going to be more excited to train because they’ll appreciate the flexibility that video training provides. It’s a win/win for you!

Greater Engagement Results in Stronger Knowledge Retention

If you’ve ever had the trouble of expecting that your team has read the training manual, only to find out that they didn’t fully read it or that they forgot what they read, then you know how concerning that can be especially if the training was on safety, procedures, or processes involved in effectively and efficiently running business operations. With eLearning interactive video training, your team is going to engage like never before and with stronger engagement comes greater knowledge retention!

Studies have actually proven that video training results in up to 90% or more retention of information compared to just 20% or significantly less of the information being retained when a manual is read. With 19% of U.S. adults unable to read at an “average” level, is expecting your team to read a training manual a risk that you really feel comfortable taking? Video is the only way to not only provide training but to ensure that your team is engaging and you have proof of the engagement. 

Easy to Track & Monitor Employee Engagement

Statistics prove that the use of engaging video training will reduce the potential for learner drop-out of a training program, but managers and business owners rely on video training for more than just increased engagement. They appreciate the ease of monitoring that comes along with an eLearning interactive video training program.

Once training videos are produced and uploaded to your learning management system (LMS) it’s easy to distribute training to employees and to monitor where each employee stands with completing the training that you have assigned. You can quickly see not only what training videos an employee has watched, but when they watched and how much they watched as well as what actions they took during the training with interactive modules and features.

Faster Training Reduces Employee Drop-Out & Improves Productivity

Creating eLearning interactive video training has many benefits to you and your team, but one of the most effective benefits that you and your team will quickly notice is that video training is faster than other forms of training. In fact, with eLearning video training employees can learn about 60 minutes worth of written manual-based training in 5 minutes because video uses a mix of auditory and visual support components that deliver a rich, engaging, fully-immersive experience that is incredibly powerful for learners.

With faster training, employees are less likely to drop-out during training and they’re more likely to be productive. Management will not have to focus nearly as much time on training when they’re not stuck scheduling training across a team, setting up a training schedule, hiring a trainer, or training the new team member himself. Tenured employees will save time if they’re not providing training and when they don’t have new employees shadowing them.

If you want faster training, increased productivity, stronger learner outcomes, and many other positive benefits to come from your training program, give Beverly Boy Productions a call to create eLearning interactive video training that’s just right for your team!