Getting the Most out of Your Event Videos

Businesses are coming to realize that video is a powerful marketing tool that cannot be overlooked. When businesses have a major event or industry conference, collecting the footage on video allows for all different future marketing activities. However, many businesses overlook the benefits of these videos and, unfortunately, use them only for the purpose of marketing the event itself. Overlooking the value this content can deliver to the marketing portfolio for several months or even years to come.

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But event videos are great for more than just advertising or sharing during the event itself. Consider these opportunities to get the most out of your event videos long after the hard work is done.

Pre-Event Video Content

As you’re planning your event, consider the event video content that you could capture. Pre-event planning videos such as footage of the event prior to the big show or footage of visitors or keynote speakers that will be at the event are a great way to generate interest in the event before the big day.

Likewise, before the event, you want to start thinking about the types of video that you want to capture during the event. What ways do you intend to use the video content later on? Having an idea of how you will use content later will help you define a style for your event video now.

Consider using event videos to recruit future employees or to recruit additional visitors to a similar event in the future.

Capturing Video During the Event

event video production crew

When your event kicks off, there will likely be a lot of chaos and just too much going on for you to really think about your video content. This is why it’s best to hire a professional video production team to capture your event footage.

A competent team that works throughout the event to record footage that will be useful for your future marketing efforts will reduce the stress and workload allowing you to interact and be more involved with the activities of the event.

Remember the content ideas you came up with in pre-event planning? Share those with the video production team so that they have a stronger idea as to what you will use your footage for. This way they can do their best to capture element of the event that will be most useful for your marketing videos later on.

Post-Event Video Use

post production of event video

Getting the most out of your video content starts with planning but it continues with taking time to incorporate your video footage into other areas of your business long after the event has passed.

Talk with your video production company about helping you to store event footage so that it can be later accessed for use in various other marketing and promotional materials such as future videos for your website, commercials for your brand, and still images for blog posts and various other uses.

Get in Touch with Team Beverly Boy

Making your event videos work for you so that you get the most out of your production dollar allows you to finally feel less burdened by the event video budget and more empowered by the content you’re creating.

A great plan, and a professional video production team, will help you to get the most out of your event videos for many years to come. Give Beverly Boy Productions a call to get started with event video footage that you can use in a wide range of marketing tasks in the future.