5 Steps to Writing an Effective Corporate Video Script

Corporate video scripts that inspire potential customers to take action or existing customer to keep coming back can quickly be created by following a simple, step-by-step process. Below, we outline 5 steps to writing an effective corporate video script that will help you spark your imagination and stay focused on the task at hand to produce the best video scripts possible.

Step 1:  Prepare Your Corporate Video Brief

A corporate video brief is the first step to writing a script that generates the results you intend. This is where you outline your objectives and prepare a to focus on your audience and the value that your video will provide to them.

In preparing your brief, answer the following questions about your project:

  • Why are you creating this video? What is the purpose?
  • What action do you want customers or viewers of this video to take upon watching?
  • Who is your ideal audience? What are some specific traits about the viewers that you can use to connect with them?
  • Describe the value that your video provides to the viewers? How does it help them?
  • Where will you share this video? Consider all distribution channels.


Preparing a corporate script that first outlines these details ensures that you connect with your audience, have a deep understanding of how to motivate them, and create compelling content that achieves the desired results. This is essentially the planning stage that takes place before your script is written.

  1. Convert Your Message into a Story

Your corporate video will likely need to convey several core messages to viewers without becoming overwhelming or confusing. You should have identified the purpose of your video in your brief. Now you’ll convert your core messages into a story for your viewers.

The idea here is to define a simple story that delivers the core messages of your script. The way your story plays out and how you tell it is defined by the purpose of the video and the objectives you want to achieve as well as how your customers are motivated. Make sure you tell the story in a way that customers can resonate with.

A corporate video storyline doesn’t necessarily have to have an epic climax or a complicated structure to follow. In fact, a logical progression from one point to the next is often the best way to get the creative energy flowing.  Your story should captivate your audience and compel them to take some form of action upon viewing.

  1. Use Language that Your Audience Understands

Your video script should clearly outline the purpose of your video and tell your story in language that your viewers will understand. This goes back to knowing your audience. If you’re targeting children, you naturally will use different terminology than you would if targeting adults. Likewise, if you’re targeting doctors, you will surely use different terms than if you were targeting a construction crew. Consider your audience and keep the tone simple and conversational to them.

Corporate videos should have a human emotion to them. Not too dry. Not robotic. Don’t fill the script with industry buzzwords or unnecessary jargon that viewers may not fully understand. Speak on the level that your audience is most likely to feel comfortable with so that they can resonate with what you are saying.

  1. Stay Short, Sweet and to the Point

Scripts should always use a less is more approach. Keep the points short and sweet. Say just what you need to say and don’t overcomplicate things. A good rule of thumb is to keep corporate videos short — about 2 to 3 minutes on average. Naturally some videos will be longer, but you’ll find that most can answer the necessary questions in just a few short minutes of footage.

Every great script has carefully thought out sentences. Video script writing must be done in a way that each word or phrase that is used has maximum emotional connection.

Consider the following tips to keep the script lean and the content full:

  • Share unique details that others don’t usually share or say something others won’t say.
  • Keep it simple. Use everyday language appropriate for your audience.
  • Write the script. Then edit to cut out any unnecessary fluff or filler. Remember, every word or phrase has maximum emotional connection!
  • Avoid repeating yourself unless it is absolutely necessary in order to increase dramatic effect.
  • Always be ready to sacrifice unnecessary content in order to convey what is most important in the video. (What is the video REALLY about?)

  1. Edit, Revise, Tweak, & Re-tweak

When editing your script consider the basics like clarity and the way the message is portrayed but also consider areas where you can include details on certain sounds or scenes that can be used to support the existing message. Your script should detail the words of your story as well as the scenes and actions that are to take place on the screen. Bring your video to life in your script by outlining the necessary audio and visual components to support the film.

Once you think you’ve “finished” read the script several times and don’t be afraid to make changes or adjustments as you go. Consider the following:

  • How long it takes to read the script.
  • How the important details are emphasized.
  • Whether there are potentially awkward phrases or sections of the video that don’t flow logically.


Continue to tweak and re-tweak your video script as you read through and edit each time. Also, consider checking the video script that you wrote against your original creative brief.

Ask yourself the following questions before you sign off on a “completed” script:

  • Does this script have the potential to achieve the objectives at hand?
  • Is the script written in a way that my audience will resonate with and understand?
  • Does the script have a compelling call-to-action that will results in my viewers taking action?
  • Does the script communicate the core messages that are intended?
  • Does the script use a logical flow from one point to the next?
  • Is there a balanced mix of audio and visual component to the script to support the story?
  • Is the end video likely to be optimal length for the intended communication channels where it will be shared?


If you answer “NO” to any of the above questions, revise the script until you reach a point where every question above has a “YES” answer. Remember, corporate video script writing takes a creative flair but must also following a logical process. A Beverly Boy Productions, we’re happy to help you with writing the perfect corporate video script. Give us a call to learn more!