5 Pitch Video Production Tips from a Professional Film Crew

A professionally produced pitch video has the potential to grab the attention of your target audience and compel them to support your business idea or brand. Professional Pitch Video Production is definitely something that requires substantial focus and essential skills.

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In order to achieve your end goals, follow these Pitch Video Production tips for success with your next big pitch. We bet you’ll be ultra satisfied with the outcome and you’ll find yourself meeting your goals in no time!

Start with an Attention Grabbing Introduction

Whether you’re pitching to investors, financers, or to stakeholders, it doesn’t matter what you’re pitching or who you’re pitching to, they are going to want to know who you are and why you’re there. They need to know that you’re not going to waste their time and that you’re there for their own benefit. This means you need to start with an attention grabbing introduction that spells out:

  • Who you are and why you’re pitching to them.
  • What your pitch is about and why it’s important.
  • Why you’re the best person to deliver the pitch.
  • Why they should not only listen but be compelled to support your idea.

Laying this all out on the line in the first 30 seconds of your pitch video will help your audience to decide whether or not this is the pitch they want to stick around for, or not!

Use Engaging Visuals & Graphics


Pitch Video Production doesn’t have to be like producing a pitch deck. You don’t have to just record the same screens or visuals that you would have used if you were to have presented a PowerPoint presentation in front of your audience. In fact, you really shouldn’t!

Put engaging visuals and graphics to work for you so that you can maximize interest in your pitch and get the most value from your audience. Give them something fun, and interesting to look at as you deliver the pitch and use supporting visuals to tell your story. They’ll be more likely to stick around till the very end, and you’ll be more likely to win over their support.

Put Music & Narration to Work

Great Pitch Video Production is the result of a compilation of excellent graphics and pristine visuals that are captured for the support of your narration. You need to be thinking about every word that will be presented to your audience and why you’re speaking that particular word? You also need to be thinking about how you can use live-action b-roll and other supportive visual aids to help the audience visualize what you’re saying.

Put music and narration to work so that the pitch comes to life in front of your audience’s eyes. This is your chance to present a pitch that tells a story. Share a story that your audience will connect with, resonating with them on an emotional level so that they feel compelled to stick around and learn more. At the end, this is what it takes to gain support for your pitch.

Keep it Short

Pitch Video Production isn’t about pitching something long and drawn out. Your producer should know that your video is supposed to be short and concise. You need to make sure that you’re making your point right away, you’re providing all of the necessary supportive details and visuals and that you’re doing so in a short period of time.

Most of the time, your audience is going to have less than 3 minutes to listen to your pitch. Make sure that you have narrowed down the key details of the pitch and the most important data so that you can deliver the entire pitch in under 5 minutes, with a targeted finished time of 3 minutes for best results.

Put Video Technology to Work

Because you’ve decided to hire a professional Pitch Video Production crew, you should know that you can put their skills and technology to work for your pitch. In post-production, animations or visual effects and other graphics can be incorporated in as well as transitions and other useful techniques that will make even a simple pitch come together in an amazingly powerful manner. This is your time to shine and to outshine the competition. Make sure that you’re working with a professional film producer that is going to pull out all of the important tricks to make your pitch perfect.

Ready to produce a pitch video that is going to win over audience acceptance and gain support for your pitch? Beverly Boy Productions specializes in Pitch Video Production with more than two decades of experience and a history of worldwide support. Whether you’re pitching in New York or New Jersey, Florida, or California there is a Beverly Boy Productions film crew that is ready to work closely with you to produce the perfect pitch video for your project. Give us a call to learn more about Pitch Video Production that is right for you and your needs!