5 Benefits of Creating an About Us Video for Your Business

Many businesses don’t focus much on their “About Us,” page on their website, and that’s unfortunate. Not only does “Google” say that websites should have a detailed “About Us,” page that helps the consumer get to know a brand online, despite what some businesses believe, many consumers actually DO look at the about us page for details on a brand that will help them to decide whether they will make a purchase or not.


Phone Number:
Tell Us About Your Project:

Proper video representation on the About Us page of your website allows the community a chance to get to know who you are as a business. And, while a couple of typed paragraphs will certainly fulfill Google’s requirements, an About Us Video has so much more persuasive power.

Not only does an About Us video add a human touch, but it also has the power to engage the consumer, clarify unknown details about your brand and share a little insight into your personality. These are just a few of the many benefits of creating an about us video for your business.

Human Touch

people respond to touch

Have you ever visited a website and wondered if it’s real or not? Like, you browse around and can’t help but think, “Is this site legit?” So you visit the About Us page and, low and behold, you’re no closer to an answer as to whether the site is legit or not than you were five minutes ago. You just don’t know!

Adding an About Us video to the page adds a human touch to the website and can improve the trust of the audience. Video puts a human face to the brand so that the public can feel a bit more comfortable with their decision to purchase from the site.

People Buy from People

If there are no people on your website, the chances of someone purchasing are slim. People buy from people. Therefore, people need some method of being able to connect with other humans on the website in order to feel comfortable enough with the idea of making a purchase.

Adding an About Us video to your website shows others that you are a legit person, and allows the consumer the ability to feel that they are working a deal with another person.

Show Your True Colors

show your true colors

An About Us video can be used to show consumers your true colors so that they can clarify what your brand is all about and how it fits into their world.

If you can share content on your about us page that consumers resonate with, they will be more likely to connect your brand with their needs. Thus, a consumer that connects with your brand is more likely to purchase from your brand too.

Personalities Entertain Consumers

Is your brand full of personality that makes it shine? Are there team members in your company that are primarily responsible for helping the business to grow to where it is today?

Sharing your personalities on the About Us page entertains consumers and helps them to feel as if your brand is something they can relate with and understand.

Video Promotes Emotional Response

Finally, the About Us video has the power to promote an emotional response that simply cannot be promoted in the same way with written copy.

Video promotes the emotional responses that come from your viewers and, in many cases, the emotional response is in the form of action along a path that you wish your consumers to take.

Ready to create a great About Us video for your brand? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today! We can’t wait to help you get started.

Here’s a Recent Video Produced by Beverly Boy Productions: