4 Methods of Interactive Video Advertising

Video is one of the greatest ways to capture a viewer’s attention and generate trust in your brand. In fact, many businesses are using interactive video advertising to capture the interest of a wider audience and to help customers feel closely connected to them as a brand. We’re showing you how interactive video ads increase consumer interaction with your brand and help you stand out against the competition. Continue reading to learn about 4 methods of interactive video advertising that are working well for others and may work well for you too!

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Interactive End Cards

An interactive end card or “IEC” is an interactive card that is shown towards the end of a video that allows customers to further engage with the ad even after the initial video is over.

IECs often leads the consumer to an in-app reward or incentive that encourages them to perform a specific action presented by the call-to-action in order to receive the reward or incentive.

Interactive end cards are used to increase engagement with video ads and improve click-through rates. Many businesses are using this form of interactive video advertising to their advantage.

Interactive Display Ads

display ad placement

The use of interactive display ads can be used to attract the consumer’s interest in an otherwise boring or uneventful advertisement. We see display ads all over the internet and therefore, most of us are immune to them and don’t even recognize them when they are placed in front of us.

Because display ads are ignored so frequently, interactive displays were developed to generate consumer interest and reduce banner blindness.

A well-created display ad can capture the interest of your audience. In fact, many businesses are using display ads that include imaginative visuals that draw in the attention of the consumer and make them excited to see and learn more.

Interactive display ads usually have the consumer perform a simple action like typing a word, finishing a sentence, or moving a mouse to hover over a specific area of the ad to display a message. This interaction makes the display ad stand out against the other, more boring, ads on the page.

Interactive Gaming Ads

What if you can play a game as part of the interaction of an ad? With the gaming industry taking over, many businesses and brands are using gaming to their advantage to connect with the gaming audience.

Gamified ads or playable ads offer an interactive experience that allows the consumer to participate in a short game for a chance to win a prize that is usually delivered in the form of a coupon or discount.

Gamified ads offer an added way to motivate users to interact with a branded ad. These types of ads are often targeted to the younger generation but can be used for a wide variety of products and services.

Interactive Social Ads

social media ad placement

Interactive social ads offer the chance for businesses to deliver a message to an audience that interacts within social media through quizzes, shopping, and other interactive experiences.

These ads are used on Facebook and Instagram to connect with the social audience and generally collect personal information in exchange for the interaction on the ad.

Interactive social ads are a winning element for brands. Consumers love interactive social ads because they offer the ability to engage with a brand and have fun. The engagement makes the consumer feel more personally connected to the brand which can result in higher conversions and improve consumer satisfaction.

For help creating interactive video advertising sets that can be used to engage and interact with your audience, call Team Beverly Boy at 888-462-7808 to get started.