10 Ways to Use Corporate Video Production for Business Promotion

Whether you’re promoting a recent white paper you wrote, a case study you did on a past client, or a blog post that showcases your best services, using video to promote your business is one of the many ways that corporate video production can help you achieve optimal growth. Follow along as we outline 10 ways to use corporate video production for business promotion online, and off.

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Using video to promote your content offers a unique opportunity to engage the audience and direct them to take action. Whether you want them to download your white paper or case study, or you’re hoping they will call you and set an appointment, video has the power to engage more than any other form of content delivered online.

1. Create Helpful Videos

filming an interview

If you’re going to use video to promote content, make sure the video is helpful. Video sales pitches don’t do well in terms of content promotion so you’ll want to avoid creating a video that appears too salesy or manipulative.

Instead, create professional videos that explain your content, offer a brief detail about the content, or otherwise provide some kind of insight into the content you’re sharing. The idea is to help the viewer see the value in further reviewing your content.

2. Include Video on Homepage

Including your video content on the homepage of your website will ensure more people see what you have to offer. Don’t hide the videos that you create deep within your site.

Make them easy for viewers to get to so that they can see the value in the content you’re promoting with the video. Consider corporate video production for business promotion on your homepage.

3. Host the Video On Your Site

Instead of hosting your videos on YouTube, consider hosting them on your own website. This way you can eliminate the distractions that viewers get stuck with on YouTube and show them just your valuable content.

Hosting the content on your site allows you to include the CTAs that work best for you and keeps the viewer on your site rather than directing them elsewhere.

4. Post Video to YouTube

uploading youtube video content

Once you have created a video that is live on your site you can also upload the video to YouTube. The idea here is to have the video on both your website and YouTube.

This way, viewers that see your video on your site are not shifted to YouTube unnecessarily. However, promoting your video on YouTube allows you to benefit from reaching those users as well.

5. Use Video IN Blog Posts

Include videos that promote your content in your blog posts. For instance, if you have a video that promotes a case study you did about a service you provide, including that video in a blog post that also discusses the service is a great way to further add value to your post and keep your viewers engaged.

6. Post Videos to Facebook & Social Media

construction facebook and social media

Promoting your business with video is one of the most popular uses of video on Facebook and other forms of social media. Post videos to Facebook that promote your content in a way that will attract users and keep them engaged.

Consider the use of videos that:

  • Showcase brief elements of your content in an engaging way.
  • Ask user questions that your content answers to attract users to click on your content for the details.
  • Provide insight into your brand.

7. Share Videos in Social Groups

Get involved in social media groups that are relative to your business and brand and use video to promote your content in those groups. Sharing videos in the social groups is a great way to increase exposure for your brand.

8. Use Paid Social Posts

Social Media

Paid or boosted social media posts add another lay of value when using video to promote your content. Create a social media video that promotes your best content and share it on Facebook. Boost the video so that you have a larger, more vast reach and more people see and connect with your brand.

9. Include Video in Press Releases

Write a press release that discusses your case study or some other element of your content and include a video in the press release. Promoting your content with video and a press release can achieve much higher views and interaction than just text-only releases can.

10. Share Video with Influencers

Finally, share your video content with brand influencers, ambassadors, and those who can help you build a name for your brand. Promoting your content with video that you share to top influencers and bloggers or journalists can help you connect with more people and the wider your audience, the greater your content promotion will be.

Ready to get started with corporate video production for business promotion that will drive customers to your brand? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808 for a free, no-obligation quote. We can’t wait to discuss the details of your project with you!