Top 5 Types of Business Growth Videos for Your Brand

Top 5 Types of Business Growth Videos for Your Brand

Video marketing represents nearly 80% of what we now see being posted online. As times continue to shift more towards videos being used as the primary marketing content online, more brands are finding out what does and does not work for them when it comes to business growth videos. In fact, of all the different forms and types of videos that you can use to grow your business, we’ve narrowed it down to just 5 that are vital to business growth.

It doesn’t matter if your business is large or small. These videos are ideal for helping you grow your website, grow your conversions, and grow your revenue.


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    And, since the cost of producing video content has come down significantly in the most recent years, you can trust that any efforts you make in producing video marketing content for your brand are going to be well-worth the cost.

    Let’s take a look at the top 5 types of business growth videos that you can be using in the day-to-day promotions of your brand.

    1. Explainer Videos


    Explainer videos represent a means of showing or explaining to the consumer how a product or service works in full detail. These allow the consumer to get the most out of the products or services and the videos themselves are relatively cost effective and easy to produce.

    Consider using explainer videos for your business growth videos relative to:

    • Showing how each feature of a product works.
    •  Showing how each element of a service can be used.
    •  Offering legal advice from a talking head.
    •  Including an animation that walks the consumer through the steps to setting up a product.

    2. Branding Videos


    Corporate branding is vital to the overall image of your business. Staying consistent in your branding and including branded video content on your website, in your emails, and on your social media pages is a great way to increase recognition of your business and trust in your brand.

    Branding videos engage the consumer, help them to remember who you are and what you have to offer, and build an image for your business that will help the consumer to recognize you as the go-to source in the industry when they later need the services or products you provide.

    3. Product Videos


    Business growth videos that are produced with the prime goal of increasing conversions are often focused on individual products. These are called product videos and they represent a major share of the market online.

    With 50% or more of consumers searching for a video before they even consider a purchase, and another 84% admitting to purchasing as a result of having seen a video, product videos are a great opportunity for brands to build content that will drive growth.

    Consider product videos that are short, engaging and to the point. Make sure you include a strong call to action in the end to increase sales.

    4. Testimonial Videos


    Testimonials increase trust in your brand and when you increase trust, you increase sales. Many people seek testimonial videos as a means of connecting with brands and finding out if their products or services are worth the investment.

    Testimonial videos are very low-cost to produce and the return that you can receive on the investment is well worth it for most companies. Testimonial videos place a face to the brand too which results in a deeper connection between the brand and the consumer. Consider these business growth videos for your website, social media, email marketing and anywhere else you can think of online.

    5. Live Streaming Video


    Represents a relatively new addition to business growth videos but it is certainly here to stay. In fact, even in crisis or emergency situations, businesses are finding that they can utilize live stream videos to get content out to their customers in a flash.

    Live stream video is also ideal for increasing reach for your events. Consumers that cannot attend can pay for VIP access to the live stream and still benefit from the value of your event without having to leave their home.

    For information about live stream video production or any of the business growth videos previously addressed, give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808! We can’t wait to help you out!