Quick Tips on Producing a Clothing Brand Promo Video

Quick Tips on Producing a Clothing Brand Promo Video

Producing a clothing brand promo video that you can share with your target audience to generate sales for an ecommerce clothing store can be a lot of work. Whether you’re introducing your clothing brand to the world for the very first time, or you’re rebranding as a means of generating new focus and building a reputation for your business that will generate sales and targeted conversions, videos are top priority. 

Much of the focus, for any fashion videography, should be on the fashion or clothing itself, not so much on the models wearing the clothes or the surrounding environment in which the clothes are in. Therefore, you’ll notice as you form your clothing brand promo video, that any cinematographer you work with is going to heavily focus on ensuring that the audience sees the fashion in your video over anything else. 

It’s tips like these that make producing a clothing brand promo video an incredible experience, particularly when you work with a professional film crew that understands the importance of special focus and framing, capturing the unique lifestyle that is behind your clothing brand, and delivering a video that details your clothing brand visually for the audience. 


Any clothing brand promo video you produce should really focus heavily on the clothing itself above all else. Certainly there will be models that show off the clothing that is worn, but the focus should not be on the models it should be on the clothes.  The audience should be able to visualize the clothing on themselves.

Cinematographers often create this visualization for the audience when producing a clothing brand promo video, by either covering or cutting out the faces of the models, or otherwise elongating shots so that the models’ faces are effectively cut out of the shoot. While techniques like this can work to reduce the focus of the audience on the models, it isn’t always ideal. If it’s not done with great care, or tactfully, the shots can really take on more of a wonky appearance in which they appear out of place or out of focus all together.


Producing a clothing brand promo video means producing a video that your audience will connect with and visualize as a lifestyle that they can relate to. Much of what makes women, and men, choose specific clothing brands is the premise that they will wear a certain outfit and it will fit just like it appears on the models on television. These models are often part of an overall environment or lifestyle strategy. Audiences believe that if they buy into the products, such as the clothing that is being advertised as part of the laid back, and very particular lifestyle, then the general sense is that they will receive something similar. 

This is all part of the branding of your clothing promo video content. The better you brand your video, the more your audience is going to connect with the brand and feel like being a part of your audience is beneficial to them. This is all part of creating a brand vision, that incorporates a particular lifestyle, into your clothing brand.


It’s all in the details! Producing a clothing brand promo video is something that really starts to come together as you move forward with your project. You’ll quickly find that once you have your branding and visual framing established, and you’ve created a lifestyle that your audience can connect with and feel integrated with, the rest is all about the fine details relative to your brand. 

As you look to visually share your brand with your audience, think about how you can share the texture, color, style, cuts, and specific elements of the clothing in a way that your audience will be most likely not only to feel fully connected with, but which will be most likely to help them to understand the balance of style that you’re delivering. At this point in any clothing brand promo video, the focus should be on comparing and contrasting, sharing texture and the tiniest details, and helping the audience to truly see what your brand has to offer. 

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Ready to produce a clothing brand promo video that you can use to introduce your clothing brand online, through ecommerce, or on television? At Beverly Boy Productions, we’ve spent more than two decades producing professional quality video content for business owners and brands that range in size from those just starting out to those that have been around for several decade themselves.

Producing a clothing brand promo video that will get your brand in front of your target audience to increase brand awareness, generate strong recognition for your brand and increase your brand’s reputation is something that every clothing brand should consider if not for the conversions, for the reach. Call Beverly Boy Productions to learn more about producing a clothing brand promo video that you can use to improve your sales conversions today!