
Today, around 87% of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool in ad campaigns. Videography has grown exponentially in the business world in the last 15 years, and statistics have shown that video marketing is effective. This is why businesses of all types and sizes use it! Hiring a freelance video maker is something to consider when […]

Around 87% of marketing professionals currently use video as a marketing tool. Videography has grown hand over the fist in the business world. Over the last decade, statistics have shown that video marketing is efficient and effective, so it’s no surprise that businesses of all types utilize it. [blog-contact email=”[email protected]” label=”book your New York video production […]

Today, around 87% of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool. Videography has grown exponentially in the business world in the last 10 years, and statistics have shown that video marketing is very effective. This is why businesses of all types use it! Hiring a freelance video maker is something to consider when planning your […]

It may surprise you to learn that 87% of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool. Videography has grown rapidly in the business world over the last 15 years and statistics show that video marketing is effective. It is no wonder that businesses of all sizes use it so often! Hiring a freelance video maker […]