Short Film Call Sheet Templates

Short filmmakers sometimes use call sheet templates to stay organized and keep cast and crew in the loop on the day’s shoot. Just because a film is going to be “short” or not full length, does not mean that a call sheet isn’t absolutely vital to the efficiency of the production. Without a call sheet, a short film, or a long film, stands the risk of hitting multiple obstacles in terms of misinformation, misunderstandings, and misguided communications. A short film call sheet templates will help you keep your cast and crew in the loop.

What’s a Short FIlm Call Sheet Template?

How much does it cost

A short film call sheet template includes key data for each cast member or crew member on the set to communicate to them where they should go, what time they should be there, and what is expected of the shoot day.

Without a call sheet, cast and crew do not know what is expected and the risk of misinterpreted data could run high. The day’s schedule and the location data is important and highlighted at the top of the call sheet.

Additional data, such as the parking notes, safety information, and actor transportation details will also be included in the short film call sheet. The idea here is to provide all members of the set a quick, at a glance outline of what will be required of the set day — this represents things like the shoot time, call times, cast members, roles, and essential contact details.

Short Film Call Sheet Templates

Casting Call Sign in Sheet

With a simple search online you’ll find many different short film call sheet templates to work with. We’ve particularly enjoyed reviewing the following short film call sheet templates and believe they provide a prime example of what should be included in the call sheet when you create it:

In addition to these short film call sheet templates, Beverly Boy Productions utilizes our own templates for short film call times and casting data. Give us a call to learn more about our Short Film Call sheet templates and the next steps to successfully planning your next short film shoot.