Benefits of Creating Counseling Session Videos for Your Practice
Counseling sessions are a common practice among therapists in various fields, but few follow the independent practice of recording the session for future use. While there are HIPAA requirements that prevent us from using footage in certain instances, there are several benefits to creating counseling session videos for your practice.
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These represent a unique opportunity for you to learn and grow while recreating sessions for optimal therapist training. There are many benefits to creating counseling session videos for your practice, we’re outlining just a few.
Clinical Training
Video represents a unique means of delivering key training for counselors and therapists. With up to 90% of what we see on a video being retained, versus just 20% of what we read, video represents the best way to deliver training sessions.
Clinical training that takes place with past counseling session videos as the basis of the training can help therapists better understand concepts and practices while they get a firsthand look at how the therapy takes place.
Continuing Education
Counseling session videos can be used to produce continuing education programs for ongoing training. These videos represent an opportunity for therapists to observe the clinical setting of treatment and learn how to deal with specific incidents or processes in therapeutic procedure.
The use of counseling session videos in continuing education is ideal for continued training of therapists into increasingly more niche specific roles.
Hands-on Knowledge Delivery
Recording counseling session videos provide future therapists a hands-on approach to learning. They can watch firsthand the session take place and see how the therapist handled it. This is ideal for many therapists who learn by seeing and doing.
Counseling session videos are used to provide the basis of actual learning materials for education series that are the foundation of training for clinicians.
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Expert Insight into Therapeutic Approaches
Creating video coverage of counseling sessions allows for future insight into therapeutic approaches. This is especially helpful if a therapeutic approach is being tested on a client or if it is under researched.
The use of counseling session videos provides expert insight into the therapeutic approaches that are used in the session and may lead to future documentation of such approaches for treatment and care.
Need help creating counseling session videos that you can utilize in your practice? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today!