Why Video is the Future of Content Marketing

The digital landscape is ever evolving and changing with each year. A decade ago we hardly saw digital advertising being the primary method of focus for business. Today, video content makes up the majority of a digital advertising strategy for many businesses and those that are not using video are at least thinking of how it can be added to their marketing mix. Why? Because video is the future of content marketing.

When it comes to marketing content online, there are literally no boundaries. We have flexibility like never before. If you’re not using video, you need to be! Here’s why video is the future of content marketing and what you need to know.

Content, Marketing, Website, Web, Seo, Business, Social

Video is Shared More than Any Other Form of Content

If you don’t believe that video is the future of content marketing, consider this: video is shared 1200% more than any other type of content on the internet. If you’re not including video into your marketing mix, you’re missing out on the potential for a 1200% increase in social shares!

Companies that focus on adding video content reach a wider audience and attract more customers digitally than those that don’t use video to their advantage. Additionally, videos are ideal for mobile devices making it easier and more enjoyable for consumers to share. The future of delivering your core message is in a video!

Tv Channel, Channel, Chanel, Tv, Marketing Channels

Video Content Produces Stronger Brand Recall

How are you going to get your audience to recognize and recall your brand when a problem arises? Video content produces a stronger brand recall than traditional print media. In fact, video content is easier for viewers to remember. A customer that watches a video produced by your business is 80% more likely to recall your brand and call you when a problem arises versus brands that don’t use video to their advantage.

Brands that use video find it’s easier to share too. Therefore, a single video produced can be used in several ways, throughout the website and on social media, to produce brand recognition and recall that will train your audience to recognize and remember what you have to say. Why wouldn’t you want to use this to your advantage?

Video Content Improves SEO

Brands that use video are finding their SEO rankings are increasing exponentially. In fact, video content has been found to increase page rank without any other major changes being made. Brands that include optimized videos have the potential to outrank their competitors and find stronger traffic stats coming from increased view time, improved bounce rates and a generally improved interest in what you have to say. Google recognizes video content as valuable, and as such, video content marketing should be on your to-do list.

Video Content Works on All Types of Mobile

With more users flocking to the use of mobile devices over laptops and desktop computers, it’s harder than ever to formulate content that is the ideal format for delivery to a wide audience. However, video content works well on all mobile devices. Customers that see video from a mobile device enjoy the convenience of accessing the content no matter what device they are on and appreciate the versatility of video. Gone are the days when consumers look to read lengthy blog posts to connect with your brand.

Why is Video the Future?

Video is the future because it diversifies the product marketing mix without adding any necessary technology or equipment for the user. The result, you can deliver captivating and engaging content to a wider audience that appreciates the ability to view and share rather than read your message.

If you don’t believe that video is the future of content marketing, consider all the benefits listed above and the steps top brands have taken to ensure video libraries offer a wealth of content to their customers. These big brands don’t know something you don’t–they are capitalizing on the statistics that prove video to be shared more frequently, watched longer and engaged in more by customers. If you’re not using video, get with the future and start producing video content that can capture your audience’s interest. Call Beverly Boy Productions to create video content for the future! You won’t be disappointed!

Check out this video uploaded by Vidwheel LLC showcasing 7 great practices for video content marketing: