Video Production for the Carpet Cleaning Industry

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Seeking professional Video Production for the Carpet Cleaning Industry? The U.S. carpet cleaning industry represents a $5 billion dollar industry which employs an estimated 63,695 workers across more than 35K businesses. Industry growth has been rather steady, although relatively low at about 1% due largely to the rise of non-carpet flooring options including hardwoods and laminates, tiles, and polished concrete. The industry remains relatively competitive which means carpet cleaning businesses that provide a range of household disinfecting services continue to benefit from a range of video marketing services. In fact, Video Production for the Carpet Cleaning Industry has given rise to increased consumer understanding of carpet cleaning services and improved lead generation amid this otherwise competitive market.


Professional carpet cleaning brands know the value of quality video content, particularly when it comes to marketing on social media platforms. Many brands are finding great success in the production of ASMR related content for Tik-Tok, Facebook, Instagram, and other video sharing platforms such as YouTube in addition to sharing videos on their own personal website or media campaigns.


At Beverly Boy Productions we help carpet cleaning establishments produce professional videos representing the residential and commercial cleaning services, damage restoration services, and rug cleaning services that are commonly provided by brands in this industry. Professional video production services for carpet cleaning businesses can drive organic growth, increase consumer awareness, build audience trust, and generate significant ROI for brands offering various carpet and upholstery cleaning services.

Promotional Videos for the Carpet Cleaning Industry

Promotional Video Production for the Carpet Cleaning Industry consists of the creation of branded content that shares information about a carpet cleaning business’s services, product offering, or sales events for the purpose of driving consumer interest in the brand and generating leads. The production of promotional videos for carpet cleaning brands can increase audience trust and develop brand awareness that boosts sales.


Many promotional videos are shared on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, together which account for a significant amount of total consumer traffic online. Video promos grab the attention of the audience drawing them in using a hook or similar device to hold their attention while promoting a product, service, sale, or event provided by the carpet cleaning company. They can be used to help you achieve various goals including increased leads, sales, or conversions.

Marketing Videos for the Carpet Cleaning Industry


Similar to a promotional video, marketing videos for the carpet cleaning industry present brand specific details for the purpose of building audience awareness, increasing social trust or audience engagement, and building consumer conversions for the brand. In a video-dominant world where more than 82% of all internet traffic is made up of video content, small businesses in the carpet cleaning industry can achieve the following benefits with branded marketing video campaigns:

-Increased brand awareness by as much as 70% or more.

-Increased traffic to a website by 51% or more.

-Improved likelihood of ranking first page in Google.

-Up to 34% increase in sales or more.

Marketing Video Production for the Carpet Cleaning Industry can increase the overall popularity of the business while presenting key details and boosting exposure for key products or services provided by the brand. In fact, you should consider the production of professional marketing videos for your carpet cleaning business if:

-You’d like to grow your social media following.

-You want increased exposure and engagement for your brand.

-You want to increase awareness of your products or services.

-You are looking for ways to engage your audience.

-You want to boost your sales.

All of these goals, and many others, can be achieved with professional quality marketing videos that will help your carpet cleaning brand stand out against the stiff competition in the market.

Training Videos for the Carpet Cleaning Industry


The use of training videos for carpet cleaning professionals can have several positive benefits that really should not be overlooked. Video training can be used to boost customer support skills, generate understanding of products and services, and improve employee knowledge of key work-related concepts, all without requiring a significant engagement from you.

Training videos are specifically valuable to brands, and to employees for the following reasons:

-They offer flexible training that employees can engage with anytime, from anywhere.

-They save money and resources over time resulting in up to 85% savings in training costs when compared to instructor-based training programs.

-They are convenient and do not require travel or time-off work.

-They are engaging and easier to follow along with resulting in higher overall knowledge retention.

Because video can be used anytime, anywhere, you can begin training newly hired employees for your carpet cleaning business as soon as your hire them! There is absolutely no reason to make employees wait until you have time to train them, and there’s certainly no need to wait until you can get an instructor to provide the training when you can have training videos produced once and they can be used repetitively for as long as that type and style of training is provided.

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Interview Videos for the Carpet Cleaning Industry

Building audience trust is an important step to advertising your business in the carpet cleaning industry. Interview videos for the carpet cleaning industry can be used to build audience trust while boosting credibility for the professionals behind your brand. Expert interview videos deliver key insights on important topics such as preparing for the carpet cleaner, how to recognize stains that will not come out, and what to do when the air vents need cleaned. Sharing your knowledge with your audience is an excellent way to build rapport and drive leads for your carpet cleaning business. You can achieve this goal and many others, when you hire Team Beverly Boy to provide professional Video Production for the Carpet Cleaning Industry brands in your life.