Defining the Sizzle Video: What’s the Meaning of it Anyway?
When it comes to Defining the Sizzle reel or providing a sizzle video meaning that makes sense for a wide audience, it’s really quite simple. The sizzle video or sizzle reel is a short, flashy video that promotes a product, service, brand, business or person in a fast-paced compilation of engaging sights and sounds.

Sizzle video production quote here!
The earliest sizzle video meaning represented a focus only on the filmmaking industry as the term used to describe a promotional video for a videographer, animator, or similar creative. However, today, sizzle reels are used in a variety of other ways.
What is a Sizzle Video?
In the simplest terms, the sizzle video meaning can be defined as a short, catchy video that can be used for a variety of purposes to draw interest, increase excitement, boost awareness, and engage an audience. Just as there are a variety of ways to potentially describe a sizzle reel, there are equally endless ways to create a sizzle video, too!
The sizzle video meaning once could be pretty widely accepted to apply only to the entertainment or filmmaking industry as most sizzle reels were produced solely to show off the skills, accomplishments, and other highlights of a creator. Sizzle reels of this sort were only used to show off the work of those directly involved in filmmaking and entertaining such as actors or actresses, film editors, directors & producers, and other creators. However, the term “sizzle video” is now commonly used to describe just about any “exciting” compilation style video that grabs the interest of the audience.
What are Sizzle Videos For?

Over the years, the meaning of the term “Sizzle reel” or “sizzle video” has certainly evolved to encompass a number of different things. Essentially, a sizzle video is any type of interesting, catch video that attracts the interest of the audience and excites them or gets them engaged in some way. Where sizzle videos were originally for showing off skills and accomplishments, they have evolved to now show off everything from important features and benefits to representing highlights, products, services or other collections.
Sizzle videos are frequently used to generate hype around a new business, product or service idea. They are used to promote upcoming events and to get viewers excited about new experiences or opportunities being presented by a business, brand, or entrepreneur. The sizzle video meaning could even go as far as to be used to represent media coverage highlights, industry highlights, corporate details, or even testimonials. The point is, there are a lot of ways to use sizzle reels and they’re absolutely not just for the filmmaking, creative or entertainment industry anymore!
Types of Sizzle Videos
Now that we’ve addressed the fact that they are a ton of ways that a sizzle video can be used, let’s take a look at the various types of sizzle videos that have been created over the years. Since the sizzle video meaning really is just a simple way of saying, “I want a fast-paced, music-driven, compilation-style video that showcases highlights of something important to my project,” it’s no wonder a variety of different types of sizzle videos have been produced over the years and no two sizzle reels appear the same!
Consider any of the following videos which could potentially also be sizzle videos if they utilized the correct style in production and post-production editing to pull the content together:
- Media coverage highlight reels.
- Product and service compilation videos.
- Collaborative collections of past works including music video compilations, soundbites, voice-overs, or other creative compilations.
- B-roll clips and compilations.
- New business highlight reels.
- Event highlight reels.
- Upcoming event teaser videos.
Essentially, a sizzle video is any video that is fast-paced and exciting to watch, gets the audience pumped up and interested in the content, and delivers a catchy compilation of visuals that are synchronized to music and narration. You might be thinking, “Isn’t that all a marketing or PR video would be?” If you are thinking along those lines, you would be correct! A sizzle video is really just a compilation style marketing video or PR video that is ideal for building excitement, awareness, or understanding among a target audience.
A Simple Sizzle Video Meaning
If you’re still unsure about exactly what it means to create a sizzle video, and you’ve found yourself trying to research further only to be confused by the fact that there are so many definitions that vary or are too vague to put a true understanding to, you’re not alone! A sizzle video, or sizzle reel, is really just an interesting, engaging video. It’s exciting to watch and creates value for your audience. Sizzle videos can be used for a variety of purposes, not just in the entertainment or creative industry. They’re ideal for businesses to use for various marketing and PR needs.
Sizzle videos are also known by a variety of terms including demo reel, highlight reel, press kit, promo video, teaser video, or show reels. They’re usually between 3-5 minutes, but some are as short as 1 minute. They combine a mix of graphics including visuals and fast-paced, upbeat music to create an energy that simply cannot be overlooked!