How Much Does it Cost to Stream an Event in Little Rock

Live streaming an event is something a lot of Little Rock business owners have thought about, especially since COVID-19 has changed the way that companies are allowed to operate and how events are hosted. This is why many Little Rock business owners are looking for ways to live stream. But several want to know, “how much does it cost to stream an event in Little Rock?”

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At Beverly Boy Productions, we often discuss Little Rock live streaming costs with clients. Our goal is to offer as much information as possible. For most events, the price may be between $1,000 and $5,000 for most events. Several factors impact the final cost.

Little Rock Event Streaming Costs

Streaming your event can incur additional costs, dependent on a variety of factors, like how long the event will be and the crew you’ll need to produce the live stream.

When you ask us, “how much does it cost to stream an event in Little Rock?,” we usually think about the hourly rates below:

Director – up to $250 per hour

Camera Operator – up to $400 per hour

Equipment – up to $100s per hour

Narrator – up to $400 per hour

Switcher – up to $200 per hour

Streaming platform – $50 to $1,000 (depends on the platform and usage)

B-Roll – usually a percentage of the total cost between 10 and 50%

Miscellaneous Fees – very little or could be 1,000s

Keep in mind that other rates impact the final cost, like gear and venue rentals, as well as things like a CDN.

Event Streaming Cost Considerations

When The Rock business owner asks, ‘How much does it cost to stream an event in Little Rock?” A few factors will impact the final streaming costs. For example:

● The duration of the event impacts the price. Longer events typically require more crew members which impacts the cost. 

● The size of your audience also impacts cost. A large audience means higher bandwidth which can impact the final price. 

● The overall size of the event will impact final price. A single presentation means fewer crew members than what you’d need for a multiple presentation event.

Little Rock virtual event cost 

Streaming live event in Montreal

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We communicate with you about your Little Rock virtual event cost to help us define the total budget of the live stream. For most single day events, the price could be between $1,000 and $5,000 is the average.

However, a multiple day event or one that requires advanced tech and engineers to handle it could cost more. 

So, when you ask, “How much does it cost to stream an event in Little Rock?” our blanket answer could be around $1,000 and $5,000 but we’ll usually follow up with a talk with you to define what you want to provide you with the final cost based on this discussion. Call us to get started today!