What You Must Know About Social Media Live Streaming Software for Success

Social media live streaming is no longer something that just our teens do. What was once a teen novelty that adults rarely partook in and that business owners wouldn’t even consider for a profitable experience is now a necessity for us all. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram and other social media platforms have integrated social media live streaming software into their platforms to draw consumer interest and the number of brands that are now utilizing social media live streaming software to their advantage is not so small, anymore! We have shared what you must know about social media live streaming software for success!

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But what exactly is social media live streaming software? It’s the actual component that is included in the social media platform for consumers to use in order to “go live” to all of their fans or to the intended audience. For example, Linkedin Live is the social media live streaming software for Linkedin.

Vimeo is another social media live streaming software, and in fact, users can go live in Facebook Live, YouTube Live, and Linkedin Live from Vimeo’s live streaming software! Let’s take a quick look at how social media live streaming software stacks up.

Facebook Live

The app that revolutionized social media live streaming software, the original of all live streaming software’s, Facebook Live is where it all started. Facebook Live allows users to stream to their Facebook pages and holds more than 2B of the world’s users in the palm of its hand.

In recent years, more than 20% of all videos shared on Facebook were via Facebook Live and those videos accounted for more than 6 times the interactions compared to regular video.

Great marketers know the importance of streaming on Facebook Live. In fact, the use of social media live streaming software such as Facebook Live represents one of several core marketing initiatives for small business owners.

YouTube Live

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Although it was slow to get into the live streaming arena, YouTube Live is a big player in the space now. However, those who wish to live stream on YouTube Live must have at least 1,000 subscribers, which places many smaller businesses and early live streamers out of the category for using this social media live streaming software. YouTube Live isn’t for everyone, and is therefore frequently overlooked by newly formed businesses or those just getting started with their live streaming initiatives.

Instagram Live

Much like Facebook Live, Instagram Live features ease of access to post live videos to your Instagram feed and share with your followers. This social media live streaming software is extremely popular and widely used for visual businesses including those in the arts or creative industries. Streaming to Instagram Live is achieved from the app and represents one of the most rapidly increasing methods of streaming on the market.

Linkedin Live

And, last but not least, we discussed Linkedin Live streaming in the beginning, but it is important to note that those interested in live streaming with this social media live streaming software should consider native video streaming the top choice since Linkedin, like many other platforms, provides added value to streams that are native.

Ideal for small businesses and professional engagements with corporate audiences, Linkedin Live streaming is ideal for many brands and appropriate especially for B2B sales. It’s one of many social media live streaming software options that business owners should know and understand.