9 Benefits of Using the Baltimore Film Commission as a Top Resource
The Baltimore Film Office, sometimes referred to as the Baltimore Film Commission, is a vital resource for filmmakers coming into the city to produce movie, television, or other forms of media productions. Featuring incentives, location data, production guides, and easy permitting, the Baltimore Film Commission represents the City of Baltimore filmmakers and has been a top resource for production crews since 1979.
Whether youâre new to the area, or just seeking out resources to help your filmmaking be more successful while here, the Baltimore Film Commission is your top resource. These are just a few of the benefits.
1. Fast Permitting
The Baltimore Film Commission provides quick and easy film permitting that can be completed online or by phone.
Simply provide your insurance certification along with your permitting needs and the appropriate permit application to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore for easy processing.
2. Procedure Updates
Got questions about what is and is not allowed throughout the city when it comes to filmmaking? Baltimore, like other major cities, has several procedures that filmmakers are expected to know and follow when filming in the city.
Using the Baltimore Film Commission as your resource will help you to better understand procedures regarding drone use, filming in public places, filming in schools and other important updates.
3. Incentives
Baltimore Film Office strives to make filming in Baltimore a welcome opportunity for filmmakers.
Youâll find information on the latest Maryland Tax incentives for filmmakers on the Film Commission website as well as other important data including area production activity tax credits and guides.
4. Location Updates
Want to know where the best locations for your film are? Need information on a specific location?
The Baltimore Film Commission features a location gallery that provides detailed information on hundreds of filming locations throughout the city. This digital guide is readily available for filmmakers 24/7/365.
5. Crew Connections
Need to staff your film set? While in Baltimore you can visit the Film Commission for immediate connections with local crew members that are actively seeking contract work within the city.
Connect with area crew members and organizations that can help you coordinate a small or large film crew in no time.
6. Screenwriters Competition
The Baltimore Film Commission annual screenwriters competition is held each year. Visit the film commissionâs website for the information for the latest annual competition and to learn more about submission deadlines or details.
7. Housing Placement
Need help finding housing within the city that is ideal for your crew on a short stay or long-time? The Baltimore Film Commission will help you find appropriate housing for your cast or crew while youâre filming in the city.
Whether itâs an apartment, and Air BnB, or a short-term vacation rental in the city, the options are widely available to assist you.
8. City Public Works Liaison
Need the Baltimore PD to help you secure roadways or maintain crowd control while filming in the city? The Baltimore Film Commission is your go-to resource for public works connections while filming in the city.
Contact the commission to plan appropriate public services for your filmmaking.
9. City Guides & Connections
The Baltimore Film Commission is your best resource for local city guides and connections to the area. They can help you find equipment, crew, and everything youâll need for your filmmaking while youâre here.
This is one of the many great benefits to working with a local resource like Baltimore Film Office for success.