4 Types of Small Business Video Content to Boost Brand Recognition

Small business owners have recognized the importance of video for boosting brand recognition for a while now, but changes in the way consumers shop and expose themselves to the world have equally changed the way small businesses should be using video content to their advantage. Whether you’re already making videos, or you’re just considering what your options are, these 4 types of small business video content can help you to boost your brand’s recognition while engaging consumers in an otherwise socially distant world.

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 Small Business Introductory Videos

Some of the best small businesses succeed because of their story and the way they share it with the world. You started your small business for a reason. Whether it was to solve a problem of your own, or to solve a problem in your community, or for some other reason. Your story, and what you do at your small business, is important — share it with the world!

Small business introductory videos that are 90 seconds or less can be highly effective in getting your brand recognized on social media and online. Not only are they great for consumers, but they are also great for getting your website ranked in Google — a double win for your brand.


 Small Business Niche Authority Videos

Does your small business specialize in a niche market? Sharing your authority input on a niche market or subject can help you to get consumers to recognize your small business. Small business video content that focuses on sharing your knowledge and education with a consumer audience not only shows them what you know but when it focuses on a topic relative to your brand it helps to build trust among your audience.


 Video Thank You Cards

Another type of small business video content that works well when it comes to brand recognition and getting consumers to engage with your business is the video thank you card. Not necessarily a card at all, but a formal thank you to your customers for being committed to your brand can do a lot for your small business.

Making your customers feel appreciated by your small business is a great way to reduce the “rough around the edges” feeling that might come from a lack of interactions or engagements with your brand — especially in times of social distancing where brands have closed their doors or had to limit consumer interactions. Thank your loyal customers, and remind them that it’s their support that makes your small business a success.

camera crew setting up interview 

Generate Social Proof

As a small business owner, you know you’re doing the right things when your customers are telling you they are satisfied. Sharing customer testimonials and other forms of social proof is a great way to generate greater recognition of your small business brand. Social proof videos are one of the various forms of small business video content that can be used to improve the customer experience and recognition of your brand.

Consumer accounts that reflect the satisfaction and engagement with your brand in video form will build trust and faith in your small business. Social proof videos can be used on social media, your website, and in emails or sales presentations to boost conversions among your prospects making them an ideal type of small business video content for anyone seeking to boost recognition of their brand.

Social Media

Ready to produce these and other types of small business video content for your business? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call.

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