4 Quick Tips to Becoming a Professional Storyteller

Video storytelling is a powerful means of building awareness for your brand and guiding the consumer down the path towards becoming a paid customer.

As you use videos to connect with your customers, employees, stakeholders, or others in a deeply emotional manner, consider the work of the professional storyteller. Want to become a storyteller? Follow these quick tips.

1. Produce Compelling Content

Video storytellers know the art of producing content that compels the viewer to take action. No matter what the action is, a phone call or a purchase, a donation, or a share, video storytelling compels the audience to take the next steps.

How can you produce content that is compelling? You need to know your audience, in a deeply personal manner, so that you can connect with them. Storytelling requires a genuine, and sincere message that is delivered in a clear, concise, and captivating manner.

Think about the story that you will tell and how you will use the story to compel the audience to move forward with the intended action. Compelling content doesn’t have to be long, it doesn’t have to be fact-filled. It just needs to be genuine and your audience needs to resonate with it.

happy excited

2. Produce Quality Content

The next step to professional storytelling is to produce content that is top quality. This generally requires your partnership with a professional video production company that can ensure your project meets certain standards and expectations. Storytelling begins in the early stages of pre-production though. When your script is produced. A great video storyteller knows how to write a compelling script.

Once the script has been written, the next steps are to storyboard and prepare the production plans for the script. This planning ensures the best quality content when production begins. The finished story is only as effective as the planning and post-production editing steps that are utilized to make the content come to life–don’t skip out on any of the important steps!

production time and cost

3. Deliver Story Visually

Think back to when you would lay in bed at night and your mom or your grandmother would tell you a story. What were the elements of the best bedtime stories? You probably answered something to do with a great character, a great plot, a visual representation, etc. The idea here is that the best stories are those that are told in a way that you can resonate with and fall so deeply in tune that you feel as if you are INSIDE the story.

Now, think of how you can visually deliver the story in a way that captivates your audience and allows them to resonate with your content just like you did as a child listening to a bedtime story. Great visual storytellers deliver powerful messages with just the right words, visuals, animations, graphics, and audio to pull it all together.

4. Excitement and Fun

Great professional storytellers have one major element in common–they all love to have fun! Storytelling with video is all about using this media to deliver powerful stories that consumers resonate with and connect with on an emotional level. Add some humor to the mix whenever you can–why not let others have fun too?

Great stories reinforce the emotional ties that the consumer is building with the brand. The more you can use positive emotions to connect brand and consumer, the more powerful your story will be!

Need to hire a professional storyteller that can help you bring your video content to the next level? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call. We’ll put our professional storytelling to the test to help your business achieve great success!

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