Video Production for the Cardboard Box & Container Manufacturing Industry

The cardboard box and container manufacturing industry delivers nearly $76 billion, employs over 150,000 people, and comprises over 1,900 businesses. That’s a mighty-sized industry! With a rise in home sales comes a surge in cardboard box and container sales. This is crucial information for reaching your marketing and business goals. Compared to all advertising methods available, Video Production for the Cardboard Box & Container Manufacturing Industry is an essential consideration that can take your marketing campaign to the next level.

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Video marketing for cardboard box and container manufacturing provides a pathway toward growth and expansion across local markets, where customers seeking your services will find and choose your business. When you work with Beverly Boy Productions, you receive impactful customer testimonials, targeted training videos, and powerful video advertisements that truly “wow” your audience. 

Promotional Videos for the Cardboard Box & Container Manufacturing Industry

Video marketing has two significant benefits: (1) it highlights your business for prospective customers, and (2) it keeps current customers by maintaining involvement. Promotional Video Production for the Cardboard Box & Container Manufacturing Industry is highly effective because it engages your audience, no matter the platform: television, social media, email, and more!


Video marketing is especially powerful when utilized and distributed across the Internet. While television advertising is an option, the average internet user spends nearly two and a half hours on social media every day, and your business can be one of the first things they see on their social media feed. A short, high-quality video can inform your targeted audience about your products, invite new customers to your business, and increase engagement on all your platforms. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to sell folding paperboard boxes or tubes, cans, and drums: promotional videos can help your business succeed.

Marketing Videos for the Cardboard Box & Container Manufacturing Industry

When over 82% of the internet consists of video content, Video Production for the Cardboard Box & Container Manufacturing Industry is a phenomenal opportunity. If your business isn’t utilizing video marketing in its marketing campaign, it’s likely your competition will already be one step ahead of you.

Video production has several benefits. Some benefits of video marketing include:

  • Spreading the word about your business, brand, products, or services
  • Establishing your business as an authority in the cardboard box and container manufacturing industry
  • Increasing brand authenticity, building trust and credibility with clients
  • Influencing buying decisions (90% of customers say a video helps them make a buying decision, according to Forbes)

Video marketing essentially offers a way to captivate your audience, inform potential customers of your services, and build authority and trust as a brand within your community – across your social media pages and websites.

Training Videos for the Cardboard Box & Container Manufacturing Industry

Whether you’re training customer service representatives or stockers, effective training is critical in maintaining a competent business. Traditional in-person training has its downsides, like how not all employees are trained with the same materials. Personalized training videos remove the issues that come with conventional training, so that business owners can save time and money!

Additionally, training videos:

  • Have a higher overall employee watch rate; employees are 75% more likely to engage in video training than they would with manual training
  • Have greater flexibility; an estimated 42% of employees prefer the flexibility of video over other forms of communication and training such as scheduled in-person training or written manuals
  • Have a higher retention rate; people recall upwards of 90% of what they see in a video compared to about 20% of what they read
  • Will make employee training more effective while reducing training costs; each video can be used over and over again, and improved comprehension makes videos 83% more effective

Videos are an effective strategy for engaging your container professionals while providing top-quality and efficient training.

Interview Videos for the Cardboard Box & Container Manufacturing Industry

It’s understandable to think of applying for jobs when you think of interview videos, but there are many kinds of interview videos to help highlight your business. Take expert interviews into consideration: they feature the perspective of industry professionals like managers and experts in the cardboard box and container manufacturing field. Customer interviews are another valuable video style where previous customers share their positive experiences with your container business. Expert interviews and customer interviews share sides of the same coin. Ultimately, customers receive positive and compelling insights that drive them to your business.

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No matter what you sell, your container business can benefit from video marketing. It’s an engaging tool for business owners to implement in their training materials. Additionally, it’s a form of advertisement that can step up their marketing game. If you’re looking to gain the upper hand against your competition, Video Production for the Cardboard Box & Container Manufacturing Industry is an incredible tool your business can use to meet your marketing and internal communication goals.