5 Virtual Event Solutions for Effectiveness & Ease 

Hosting a virtual event can be a powerful means of engaging your audience and keeping them connected. But adding another form of content delivery to your already full plate can be challenging. Even large scale businesses are faced with the overwhelming list of things to do and, like small businesses and brands, a virtual event is yet another to-do that we don’t have time for. These 5 virtual event solutions will help you deliver event communications with ease and effectiveness to reduce the impact planning and executing a virtual event has on your to-do list.

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#1. Virtual Event Live Tweeting 

Live tweeting an event is one of many ways that you can begin discussing your event online with others who may be interested. Consider a live, “ask me anything,” session to get people engaged.

A virtual event like this isn’t overwhelmingly large or difficult to plan and execute. Host the live tweet event, let followers “ask you anything,” and answer live. 

#2. Webinar Events 

Webinars are like live events that have fewer risks than an actual live virtual event. A webinar that is NOT recorded in real time can deliver significant value to viewers without placing the risk or concern on you.

You don’t have to be perfect, because the webinar is NOT delivered live — since it’s recorded you can edit and revise until the content is exactly how you intend it to be delivered to your audience. 

Webinars are one of many virtual event solutions that can be used to engage your audience and deliver content relative to various topics.

Simply share the screen, narrate over top as you deliver information about the slides or screens shown, and let viewers send their questions via the webinar feed. The sky’s the limit here.


#3. Live Stream Virtual Conferences 

Virtual events such as conferences and live streamed networking opportunities are gaining interest and popularity among many groups.

To get the most out of a live stream virtual conference, consider working with a professional to ensure: 

-Virtual chat rooms are open for communication. 

-Video graphics are incorporated in order to engage the viewer. 

-In-platform opportunities exist to engage the viewer including quizzes, polls and chats. 

To learn more about virtual event solutions delivered by a professional virtual event production crew, call Beverly Boy Productions. We’ll help you get started with the virtual event solutions that are best suited to your corporate message.


#4. Live Streaming Via Social Media 

Virtual event solutions don’t end with hiring a professional. Live streaming via social media represents another level of engagement opportunity that brands can use.

Various platforms allow live streaming including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter as well as YouTube Livestream. Use live stream in social media to boost engagement and drive visitors to your virtual events. 

Live streams allow you to incorporate comments and interactions between attendees in real time. Consider virtual event solutions such as social live streams to help you keep attendees engaged before and after the event.

This is a great opportunity for Q&A sessions leading up to the event or taking place after an event.


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#5. Share Social Stories 

Sharing social stories represents another virtual event solution that can be used to deliver additional information to your virtual event attendees.

Use stories to share tutorials, interviews and videos relative to your virtual event to keep viewers actively engaged. Instagram stories represent a way to highlight a story for future attendees to see. 

Incorporating each of these virtual event solutions into your promotional mix will help you get the most out of the tools available to you to deliver highly engaging virtual events.

For more information about virtual event solutions delivered by a professional, give Beverly Boy Productions a call. We can’t wait to assist you in the planning and execution of your next virtual event.