Why You Should Hire a Video Editing Agency Over a Freelance Editor

When it comes to producing content, you’ve probably faced the question of whether to hire an agency versus a freelancer many times. Perhaps you’ve even chosen one over the other, especially if you were seeking to save money. While it can work out to hire a freelancer, sometimes it just makes more sense to hire an agency. Especially when it comes to whether you should hire a video editing agency or a freelance video editor. 

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What You Need To Know:

In fact, we’ve outlined several reasons why we believe you should consider hiring a video editing agency versus a freelance video editor. And, let’s just say this — it’s not all about the money, but you do get what you pay for in the film production industry!

So, check out these reasons why at Beverly Boy Productions we think you should hire a video editing agency over a freelance video editor.

#1. Focused Skills Come from an Agency

Sure, freelancers possess many skills. In fact, some may even be extremely skilled at video editing, but most of the time, a freelancer cannot possibly possess the diverse range of skills that you can get when you hire a video editing agency. Why?

Because an agency has several individuals working on your project which means there is the potential for several strongly skilled individuals to work together for the post production of your video. You simply don’t get this from a freelancer.

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#2. One Stop Solution

If you hire a freelance video editor, and they can only effectively finalize certain parts of your project, what will you do? Hire another freelancer? While that may work, you’re going to find yourself explaining your project and your vision over and over.

This can be extremely time consuming not to mention frustrating. Any progress you make with freelance video editor #1 will not necessarily carry over to editor #2 or #3.

However, when you hire a video editing agency you get the value of a one-stop solution to your project. You explain once, and a set of minds get to work on your project.

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#3. Dependability

If you hire a freelance video editor, and they disappear with all of your footage, what will you do? Freelancers often take on projects, find something more well-suited to their day, and move on without notice.

It’s not to say this will happen, because there are many great freelance video editors out there — but it very well could happen! When you hire a video editing agency, you’re under a contract and you have a business on your side.

If one individual working on the project leaves, gets fired, or gets sick – – you still have several other people to keep working on the project to make sure it’s a success. You can depend on the timeline that is set for production and you can rest assured that your project will get finished.

#4. Strong Communication

Not only will you have a strong communication structure in place if you hire a video editing agency, but most will have specific guidelines in place to ensure that communication is both effective and efficient.

Not only will you not explain things over and over, but everything that you communicate should be handled on a recorded line, in a recorded chat, or otherwise — so that it can be carried to the rest of the agency with ease.

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#5. Top Priority

While you may not think that your project is the top priority of a video editing agency, think about where you potentially stand with a freelancer. If another project comes along that pays better- your freelance video editor may disappear.

However, when you hire a video editing agency to work on your project, you know that they will strive to complete the project within the deadline set, they are going to prioritize your project when their focus is on that project, and completion within a professional manner will be top priority. Ready to hire a video editing agency?