Video Production for Tax Preparation Services in Boston

There are plenty of opportunities for making your brand shine bright in Boston if you consider how favorable economic conditions coincide with equal stability among the tax preparation services industry. So, the more households are growing economically, there is an increase in the need for tax preparation services.  Even if rising disposable per capita income tends to result in an equally rising need for professional tax preparation, it does not mean that brands in this $12 billion-dollar industry do not need professional marketing and advertising! So, Video Production for Tax Preparation Services in Boston is one of the many ways professional video marketing can help continue the economic growth for nationwide tax preparation brands especially as they compete with digital tax preparation solutions.

Small, medium, and large brands all agree that video is supreme in marketing products and services in the tax preparation services industry. The ability of video to draw in new customers and grow brand awareness is something that can benefit any company that invests in professional video production for marketing and advertising needs. We also service brands in nearby cities like Brookline, Winthrop, Revere, and Malden. 

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You can count on Beverly Boy Productions to provide you with a wide range of video production services for the professional U.S. tax preparers operating across more than 128,550 businesses nationwide. Some of the types of marketing videos you can create include short promotional videos for social media, branded marketing videos, interview videos and corporate training videos that can lower training costs while improving knowledge retention among professional tax preparation teams. Smart tax preparation businesses realize that video has the best chance of helping them to increase their ROI.

Promotional Videos for Tax Preparation Services

Promotional videos increase brand awareness for tax preparers while increasing the knowledge of the brand to a wider audience. It is the best way to direct the attention of the audience towards the products or services offered by those in the tax preparation services industry. Many business owners choose promotional videos because it allows them to keep the brand name active on social media, and build trust in the customers to increase sales conversions.


The production of promotional videos has not always been the same. There was a time when promotional videos were all about sales without any life in the ad, just big words like “buy, buy, buy.” But nowadays, promotional videos reflect a more focused approach where brands use storytelling techniques to communicate a brand message. Today’s promotional videos for tax preparation services discuss more, from specific event details, to insights about a company’s products or services. Videos will also create a powerful emotional bond that will capture more new customers who will in time become paying customers.

Using this type of promotional video content can help promote your Boston tax preparation business as well as educate taxpayers on the 4 different types of tax preparation services which are:

⦁ Certified Public Accountant (CPA)- a person who is licensed to offer accounting services to the public.
⦁ Enrolled Agents (EA)- a person who is trained in federal tax matters and is licensed by the IRS.
⦁ Non-credentialed Tax Preparers- an individual who prepares taxes without any professional credentials or certifications from an external organization such as the IRS, AICPA, or a Bar Association.
⦁ Tax Attorney- an attorney who is licensed to practice law.

Marketing Videos for Tax Preparation Services

Investing in Video Production for Tax Preparation Services in Boston can help you undertake the production of product videos for social media, or the production of emotionally catchy sales videos that drive conversions for the business. To find out why you should use video to grow your business, here are some of the major benefits of using video marketing:

          The tax preparers website can rank higher in the search engines to generate leads.
         Increased consumer awareness about your brand on YouTube and social media sites.
         Increase consumer understanding of products and services offered by the tax preparer.
         Improved consumer insight on products or services through product demos and service explanations.
         Improve email click-through rates and conversions.

Many consumers admit that branded video is one of the key factors that influence their decision-making process when purchasing a new product or service. This is one reason why many tax preparation services should look at video marketing as a must-have marketing strategy. Get in touch with us if you also need video services in nearby counties like Essex County, Norfolk County, and Middlesex County.

Training Videos for Tax Preparation Services

The tax preparation industry provides a mix of tax preparation services and digital products, all of which require training for users to maximize on the benefits provided by the products and services on offer. Training Video Production for Tax Preparation Services in Boston can be used to train new tax preparers, or train new customers to increase sales.

Training videos are much more accessible than written training manuals, and this provides a low-barrier to entry which is more accessible to the average consumer seeking tax preparation products. Internally, training videos can:

         Improve staff and customer knowledge retention by 85% or more.
         Increase information absorption to increase faster learning.
         Increase reach of knowledge to a wider audience.
         Boost worker productivity without increasing the amount of time or effort required to provide individualized training to employees and staff.

Video training programs are unique in such a way that tax preparation services can use them to offer exceptional product insights to customers, or share new industry skills to employees during corporate training. Large and small tax preparation services providers can use training videos to bring new staff members up to speed without adding training costs any time there is a new hire.

Interview Videos for Tax Preparation Services

When the concept of interview videos is discussed among people, what comes to mind in a general sense are pre-recorded interview videos. But interview videos are so much more. At Beverly Boy Productions, interview videos are perfect marketing tools that are built to communicate brand credibility, authority, and authenticity in the tax preparation industry. Professional interview videos can make your company stand out in the marketplace and increase consumer engagement. 

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You should consider pairing expert interviews with customer interview videos to take advantage of the opportunities provided by both types of videos. So, when you hire the right team for professional Video Production for Tax Preparation Services in Boston, you will be able to drive consumer recognition higher, and also generate strong industry growth in this competitive field. Give us a shout if you also require our video services in 02108, 02112, 02116, 02120, or 02123.At Beverly Boy Productions, we have everything required for professional Video Production for Tax Preparation Services in Boston.