Video Production for Sporting Goods Stores

Sporting goods stores represent a relatively quickly growing industry that has experienced some significant success as a direct result of the rising trend toward health, wellness, and exercise. COVID-19 also contributed to growth of sporting goods stores in recent years and, despite the increase in competition from outside sources and e-commerce brands, this massive $67 billion dollar industry is expected to continue growing all be it at a slightly slower rate than in recent years. Video Production for Sporting Goods Stores focuses on the marketing & promotion of sports products & accessories, as well as on the development of expert knowledge that represents a sporting goods store and improves consumer trust in the brand.

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You might recall other sporting goods competitors in this industry such as Dick’s Sporting Goods, Academy Sports, and various others for their massive promotions and sales, nationwide reach, and strong customer base. These stores are just a few of the more than 41K sporting goods stores that can be found across the country employing more than 258K workers. As per capita disposable income continues to rise, sporting goods stores are likely to peak and stabilize a bit amid competitive markets and retailers that provide similar products & services online.

At Beverly Boy Productions we work with sporting goods stores to create expert video products that will engage the consumer, generate trust, and increase consumer confidence in the brand. Our marketing & promotional videos, training video series’ and expert interview videos are a great way to increase consumer likelihood that your sporting goods store will generate massive sales.

Promotional Videos for Sporting Goods Stores

Promotional Video Production for Sporting Goods Stores includes various styles & types of content that is used to promote the store, the products offered inside the store, and the special events or important happenings as they are concerned with the brand.


Amid intense competition, sporting goods stores can stand to benefit tremendously from the production of promotional video content that will:

  • Generate the best ROI.
  • Provide a way for brands to reach consumers online & off.
  • Boost popularity of the sporting goods store online.
  • Generate more sales for the store.
  • Increase revenue.

The incorporate of promo videos into existing marketing campaigns can increase conversion rates up to 34% higher than non-video campaigns and this figure is even higher in many instances depending on the brand & the business behind the campaign.

Marketing Videos for Sporting Goods Stores

Marketing Video Production for Sporting Goods Stores can tell the story of your brand or business to the world increasing your reach and building up consumer confidence surrounding your sporting goods store. When videos are used in marketing campaigns, higher conversions and click-through rates are likely and increased sales are almost guaranteed.


If you’re new to marketing with video, you might be surprised at just how effective the use of video marketing campaigns can be for your brick and mortar sporting goods store. Not only do 84% of marketers admit that video has helped them to generate more leads, many are beyond satisfied with the ROI that video has provided for their brands.

Training Videos for Sporting Goods Stores

Video based training programs are essential to building a team of employees in your sporting goods store that are knowledgeable, prepared, and most important, productive.

Training Video Production for Sporting Goods Stores can:

  • Increase the ability for your employees to retain the knowledge and training that you provide.
  • Improve employee turnover rates reducing the total cost of each new-hire.
  • Provide a simple, practical, and proficient opportunity for employees to engage in training.
  • Improve employee productivity without adding unnecessary costs or resources.

More than 88% of businesses are already engaging in video training of some kind with many choosing a flexible, and blending learning path that’s ideal for their teams. Your sporting goods store can achieve great success if you are able to provide better, more consistent and qualified training without jeopardizing your productivity or resources.

Interview Videos for Sporting Goods Stores

Expert interview Video Production for Sporting Goods Stores is essential to building up a local community of followers that trust the business are actively prepared to engage with, and shop from, the brand. The more you can share your expertise, experience, and dedication to sports and sporting goods with your target audience, the stronger they’ll feel about your business and the more trusting they will be in your brand.

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Expert interviews are used in everything from case studies to customer testimonials. They are a great way to share the key details about your store, equipment, products, or special services that make your store a value for your community. Ask Team Beverly Boy about expert interview videos, and the many other forms of expert Video Production for Sporting Goods Stores, that we provide to help you establish & grow your brand.