Video Production for Retail Stores

The $5 trillion dollar retail store industry is poised for continued growth despite increases in competition from digital giants like Amazon which have introduced retailers to the importance of not only providing goods for sale in brick and mortar stores, but also online. Retailers sell a very diverse mix of quality foods, household goods, clothes, furnishings, and other merchandise. The industry is growing rather steadily thanks to stabilization of employee, increases in per-capita disposable income, and a trend toward economic stabilization. Video Production for Retail Stores can encompass many different styles & types of video content that will increase sales, generate leads, and ultimately drug up revenue & sales for the retail brand.

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As the consumer confidence index, which is responsible for measuring how consumers feel about their anticipated financial situation, rises and unemployment rates go down, more consumers will be interested in purchasing various goods from retailers. Savvy retail store owners are going to recognize the unique ability to reach their audience with video content and take advantage of the opportunity to boost audience reach, maximize conversions, and increase revenue generated from sales.

At Beverly Boy Productions we work with retail stores across the country to produce expert video content that will boost consumer interest, increase demand for products & services offered by the retailer, and drive more sales. Retail stores can benefit from the incorporation of branded videos that audiences will recognize & connect with the business heightening their confidence and potential satisfaction in the brand.

Promotional Videos for Retail Stores

Promoting a major business as a retail store brand is essential to any marketing media strategy, and promotional videos can help! Many different types of promotional videos for retail stores exist including product promos, intro videos, video ads and many other options that promote your business brand, products, sales or events.


A short, engaging promotional video will boost your brand recognition, increase audience reach, and generate more sales or conversions for your store. Promotional Video Production for Retail Stores is not something that you should sleep on as it has the capacity to positively influence your business or brand.

Marketing Videos for Retail Stores

Consumers find videos to be more engaging, fun to watch, and sincere compared to other forms of content that can be shared by a brand.  Many retailers, therefore, choose to distribute marketing videos that will introduce their target audience to their business by offering them an engaging & highly impactful message that is essential to their own growth.

Marketing Video Production for Retail Stores:

  • Can help retailers stay on trend.
  • Will help retailers to stay ahead.
  • Can help retailers to gauge customer behaviors.
  • Can increase conversions & sales by up to 88% or more.
  • Can generate revenue up to 49% faster.

Retailers benefit significantly from their decisions when it comes to introducing video content into their marketing mix. Video gives positive ROI, keeps consumers engaged longer, and is more effective than many other formats marketing media that is available to big brands.

Training Videos for Retail Stores

According to many recent studies, 83% of consumers prefer video training over any other style or type of content that they could potential train with and provide. Training Video Production for Retail Stores utilizes a variety of interactive training elements, modules, and visual insights to provide the audience with unique data that is easier to understand, engage with, and learn from.

Training videos for retail stores are:

  • Compelling and fun to watch.
  • Popular for teams to share.
  • Important to driving unique sales and revenue.
  • More powerful than any other media format.

Your team will train harder, faster, and more effectively if you use training videos over written training manuals, in-person training seminars or groups, or shadowing. Your team will be more productive and prepared if you provide video training saving you time, and money in the long run!

Interview Videos for Retail Stores

Positioning yourself as an industry thought leader is important as a retail store, especially when it comes to generating digital conversions including sales, leads, and organic traffic to your online store.  Expert interview videos help retailers to share their thoughts, and the industry-leading content that will prove that they are the most suitable brand or business for a consumer to turn to about a particular niche or industry.

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Interview videos build credibility, and source-specific insights that consumers can utilize in their own decision-making processes. At Beverly Boy Productions we create expert video interviews, video based training programs, and a wide range of professional marketing & promotional videos for retail stores like Walmart, Amazon, Kroger, and The Home Depot. Ask us about all of our expert services in Video Production for Retail Stores.