Video Production for Lingerie, Swimwear & Bridal Stores

Lingerie, swimwear & bridal stores were once prominently found in malls, shopping plazas, and independently hosted throughout communities and towns, but rapidly rising competition online as well as in department stores has largely stifled revenue growth in this $22 billion dollar industry in recent years. However, the expectation is that lingerie, swimwear & bridal stores that choose to actively engage in the latest marketing & advertising techniques will experience a surge in revenue growth in the coming years due to rising per capita disposable income, increased demand, and a shift for many of these stores to provide mixed brick & mortar plus ecommerce shopping opportunities that appeal to consumers. Video Production for Lingerie, Swimwear & Bridal Stores can vastly improve market reach and increase revenue positioning these stores ahead of any competition that may otherwise act as an impediment to revenue growth.

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For the 54K remaining lingerie swimwear & bridal stores operating their brick & mortar locations across the U.S., video production is a key element for any marketing & advertising campaigns that are focused on improving sales volume, increasing consumer awareness, and driving revenue. Brands should look at the production of product videos, marketing & promotions, and the use of both interview videos and internal video based training to leverage technology and improve growth outlooks.

Beverly Boy Productions offers many different professional video production services for lingerie, swimwear & bridal store owners. Our expert interview videos, customer tailored training videos, and marketing & promotional content represent key elements that contribute to the growth of any revenue generating marketing media campaigns.

Promotional Videos for Lingerie, Swimwear & Bridal Stores

The production of short, engaging promotional videos for retailers in the lingerie, swimwear and bridal industry are incredibly important to boosting website reach, improving social media growth, and ultimately generating revenue from product sales. Many of the businesses in this industry make additional revenue & profits off apparel alterations including gown hemming, or the lengthening or shortening of bridal wear.

As such, promotional Video Production for Lingerie, Swimwear & Bridal Stores should:

  • Actively promote products & services offered by each store.
  • Increase consumer knowledge of services & products offered by the store.
  • Improve community awareness of sales & promotions that represent events, products, services, or independent opportunities offered within the store.

Promotional videos are important to share on social media, your website, and in your email or similar outreach campaigns, therefore they should be #1 on your to-do list when you’re planning a video marketing project for your business.

Marketing Videos for Lingerie, Swimwear & Bridal Stores

Most marketers will agree that video is the best opportunity that store owners have to expand their reach, improve their footprint, and generate more sales to their prospective customers both online & in-store. Marketing Video Production for Lingerie, Swimwear & Bridal Stores focuses on the creation of short, engaging videos that build awareness around products & services, increase consumer knowledge of important offers, and generate consistent revenue through sales.

Marketing videos can increase the number of qualified leads that enter your store by up to 66% or more per year and, when shared on social media, marketing videos have the capacity to increase your social shares by up to 1200% or more.  Whether you’re sharing a message of inspiration, insight, or a sales opportunity, if you want your audience to remember what you share & recognize your brand for the content that you produce, you need to be sharing video!

Training Videos for Lingerie, Swimwear & Bridal Stores

As you aim to grow your store, training and onboarding new employees is going to be essential to sustaining consistent growth and achieving your goals. Unfortunately, as a store owner you probably don’t have a lot of time to spend on training each new employee or staff member that walks through your door.

Expert training videos can help to reduce some of your training burden without reducing the total knowledge or training detail that is provided to your employee.

In fact, training Video Production for Lingerie, Swimwear & Bridal Stores can:

  • Reduce total training time for each new employee you hire.
  • Improve training outcomes empowering your employees to take action within their roles.
  • Increase total training knowledge & support by providing consumers with a message that they will retain 95% of.
  • Providing an always available, flexible & learn as you go opportunity that works great for each employee you hire.

Team Beverly Boy produces training videos that will dramatically reduce your total training time without reducing your training details, knowledge or support so that your team can be effective, efficient, and successful for your brand.

Interview Videos for Lingerie, Swimwear & Bridal Stores

What’s the key to selling more lingerie, swimwear or bridal wear? Confidence! Consumers need to feel confident in your business & they’ve got to trust your brand. Interview videos that show off your expertise and the experience that you bring to your community are key to generating increased revenue from sales.

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Ask Team Beverly Boy about the various types of expert interview videos we can create for your store or the many other forms of Video Production for Lingerie, Swimwear & Bridal Stores that are available to help you succeed!