Video Production for Hardware Stores

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Hardware stores have seen increasing ROI over the past several years due to rising per capita disposable incomes, an increasing trend toward the DIY home project, and of course increasing home sales. Industry growth has been stable between about 2.5 and 3.5%, even during the COVID-19 pandemic which resulted in a significant loss of revenue for many industries, where the hardware stores market is a booming $33 billion dollar industry. Video Production for Hardware Stores focuses on building up consumer awareness surrounding the store & its offers while providing an outlet for stores to share industry knowledge & expertise, and to create training that is essential to their brand.

Savvy hardware stores are taking a niche-specific approach either to their entire store development in which they opt to focus heavily on providing only very niche targeted products & services that represent their brand, or in which they have these niche-specific departments and utilize focused advertising to reach each consumer segment with their offer. Either way, experts in the hardware store industry such as Ace Hardware and Bellingham Lumbar are leading the way with video marketing, niche-targeting, and a consumer-centric focus that represents their brand.

At Beverly Boy Productions we offer many different styles of video marketing & advertising that can help you grow your hardware store taking it to the next level. Our expert videographers create industry specific content that focuses on home repair, DIY projects, video-based training, and expert interviews that are essential to building up your hardware store’s reputation in the industry as a leader in the market.

Promotional Videos for Hardware Stores

The number one way for a hardware store to increase consumer engagement and conversions for their store is to introduce promotional video content that represents their brand to the desired audience. Just using the word ‘video’ in your email subject line can result in increased open rates, higher click-throughs, and improvements in audience trust. Promo videos can also:

Increase social media reach.
Boost organic rankings.
Improve audience trust.
Generate more sales & revenue.

More than 70% of B2B marketers are using video to their advantage and nearly as many (66%) of B2C marketers are following in their footsteps simply because it is a powerfully effective means of promoting the brand.

Marketing Videos for Hardware Stores

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Video marketing is a $135 billion dollar industry that is steadily growing due largely to the fact that more consumers than ever are engaging with video content on a daily basis across social media platforms, digitally, and elsewhere online. If you own a hardware store that is not already utilizing video in your marketing campaigns, you could be missing out on valuable opportunities to cash-in with your customers!

Marketing Video Production for Hardware Stores will increase your reach, boost audience awareness of your business, and generate a humanized connection between your audience and your brand that is essential to revenue growth & sales. In fact, video marketing:

Will send more visitors to your website, landing pages, or social media campaigns.
Increase total time on page, boosting conversion rates & organic reach.
Increase the likelihood that a customer or consumer will share your content.
Pique audience interest and boost awareness surrounding your sales, events, & business.
Generate revenue up to 49% faster than non-video marketing and increase leads by up to 66% or more annually.

Simply including a marketing video that represents your hardware store in your landing page, email campaigns, or social media posts will increase the likelihood that someone will click your campaign and convert.

Training Videos for Hardware Stores

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Ace Hardware, and many other hardware stores in the industry of more than 19K businesses and brands, has been using video based training for nearly a decade. Training Video Production for Hardware Stores can mitigate many of the struggles that a typical retailer such as a hardware store faces in training newly hired employees as well as providing repeat training or in offering additional training for vertical employee advancements within the company.

Training videos:

Increase employee understanding of their roles and responsibilities.
Improve employee knowledge & ability to perform at work.
Increase productivity while reducing overall training times.
Boost employee confidence, commitment and morale.

The always available, incredibly flexible and easy to use video-based training programs produced by expert video production crews are an essential add-on for your business to achieve success with your team – all you have to do is call Team Beverly Boy for help!

Interview Videos for Hardware Stores

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As you work to create a community of followers that trust in your hardware store and the products you provide, proving your expertise and credibility is going to be key. The more you can build a sense of authority around your business, the more consumers are going to want to be a part of what you have to share & the more they’re going to purchase products & services that you sell.
Expert interview videos for hardware stores can include a variety of topics covering things like DIY projects, home repairs & maintenance, renovations, and many other important subjects. As you share your experience, and build an audience centered on the commitment your experts have to the customer experience & to their success when working in their own homes, you’re going to see significant boosts in audience impact in the form of increased leads, customers, and clients entering your store.

Whether you’re selling power tools or plumbing products, light fixtures or lawn and garden equipment, video is essential to growing your audience & engaging those who can benefit from becoming customers of your brand. Ask Team Beverly Boy about the various expert services in Video Production for Hardware Stores that you can utilize to build, grow, and achieve success for your brand.