Video Production for Hair & Nail Salons

There’s no denying the growth that hair & nail salons have experienced over the past several years. Rising household income, increased discretional spending, and an overall trend toward “wellness” have largely contributed to growth across the hair & nail salon industry. While COVID-19 would cause many salons to face some unique challenges over much of 2020, a returning rise in economic strength would quickly counteract most of any existing struggles presenting hair & nail salons with the ability to rise above the challenge, grow, and boost their overall revenue more than any other campaign. Video Production for Hair & Nail Salons is more important than ever, particularly as many salon owners use video across social media to present key points of interest in boosting audience reach, increasing leads & generating campaign revenue.

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The hair & nail salon industry is valued at $73 billion dollars and growing largely thanks to rising household incomes, increased consumer indulgence, and the introduction of more advanced hair & nail salon services such as intricate cuts, vibrant colors, and amazing works of art that make up the majority of nail salon revenue growing campaigns.

Beverly Boy Productions will help you achieve tremendous success and growth for your hair & nail salon. Our expert video production services are uniquely tailored to growing your campaigns. Whether you’re interested in top of the funnel awareness building videos or bottom of the funnel conversion-oriented videos, we can help.

Promotional Videos for Hair & Nail Salons

Promoting your nail salon or hair salon business is an essential aspect of growing revenue but it’s not always the most straight forward method of introducing a marketing media campaign. There are many different steps that you can take to promote your business, but only some will translate into effective demand generation, revenue growth, and profits for your campaigns.

By leveraging promotional Video Production for Hair & Nail Salons , you can:

  • Increase your social media reach by up to 1200% or more.
  • Engage your audience in the first few seconds & draw their interest in your campaign.
  • Deliver insightful details about upcoming sales, promos, or events that are important to generating revenue & profits for your campaigns.

As great as promotional videos can be, it’s important to note that professionally produced content that reflects the key style of your brand and the vision of your salon and presents your organization in a way that will make it most awe-inspiring for your audience is key.

Marketing Videos for Hair & Nail Salons

Marketing Video Production for Hair & Nail Salons can take on many different forms and may have a variety of underlying characteristics. Most importantly, marketing videos drive consumer awareness, push audience interest, boost interaction & engagement, fuel lead growth & sales, and contribute to revenue & profits.

Consider the following types of marketing videos for your hair & nail salon:

  • Tutorial videos that showcase how to perform simple hair or nail styles.
  • Tips & tricks that will draw audience interest across Instagram or other social media platforms.
  • Product demonstration videos that showcase how to get the most out of various products sold by your salon.
  • Teaser videos that engage the audience and pique their interest in what you’ve got going on at your salon.

Like anything with marketing, the key to success in creating professional marketing videos for your salon is to use the right equipment, follow the right approach, and ensure the right style or media for your campaign.

Training Videos for Hair & Nail Salons

Training videos are used in virtually every industry to teach & train newly hired team members and employees, especially when there are positions inside the organization that require repetitive training delivery in order to achieve certain internal goals. Training Video Production for Hair & Nail Salons will:

  • Reduce training time.
  • Improve training outcomes.
  • Make training more effective.
  • Improve training consistency.
  • Boost audience confidence.
  • Increase audience understanding of training.

Training videos have a single upfront cost that will deliver again & again on your campaign making them incredibly valuable to salon owners especially when there are roles that have higher than average turnover and require repetitive training of new employees to become part of the organization. This is why 88% of businesses already use training videos to effectively engage their employees and provide key insight into the roles & responsibilities of being paid members of the business or brand.

Interview Videos for Hair & Nail Salons

As you grow your audience, boost your reach, and increase community engagement you’re going to find a more integral need to generate audience trust in your campaigns. Interview Video Production for Hair & Nail Salons is another key point or area of interest where you can focus on developing community acceptance & confidence in you salon.

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In fact, many salons turn to interview videos to:

  • Present customer generated content that speaks to the audience.
  • Share exciting hacks & expert experience tips that will showcase your credibility & authority in the industry.
  • Present engaging insights into your expertise to further fuel the authenticity of your salon brand.

Interviews can include testimonials, customer interviews, and a variety of internal insights that showcase how valuable it is for your audience to be committed & confident in your brand. Ask Team Beverly Boy about the many types of Video Production for Hair & Nail Salons that can help you establish a strong sense of growth for your business & revenue generation success for your brand.