Video Production for Fish & Seafood Wholesaling

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The fish and seafood wholesaling markets have struggled in recent years due to rising concerns throughout the early 2000s in regards to oil spills and the cleanliness of seafood products and most-recently due to COVID-19 which closed many restaurants and retailers, but rising per capita income is expected to bring the industry into a positive balance sheet in the coming years. A market that consists of selling wholesale fish, seafood, and seafood products excluding canned or packaged frozen seafood, the wholesale fish & seafood industry is a $24 billion dollar market. Video Production for Fish & Seafood Wholesaling includes the production of expert interview videos, promotional video content, marketing videos and of course industry-specific training videos that can bring teams up to speed in the production & preparation of seafood & fish products for wholesale markets.

Wholesale fish and seafood sellers offer fresh fish, shellfish, and other seafood products for sale in bulk quantity often for use in restaurants or similar establishments. Major brands in this industry include, but are not limited to, US Foods, Sysco, and Bumble Bee Foods which each provide bulk fish products to a wide range of both retailers and restaurants throughout the U.S.
At Beverly Boy Productions we work closely with the fish & seafood wholesaling industry to create top-quality video products that will boost consumer awareness around products & services, increase audience commitment, and spike revenue generation that comes directly from conversions and sales. Our video products, including promotional videos, marketing videos, expert interviews, and video-based training are essential to the growth & establishment of successful branding for wholesalers that are part of this competitive industry.

Promotional Videos for Fish & Seafood Wholesaling

Promotional videos for fish & seafood wholesalers are a great way to build up audience insights and create a sense of awareness around your brand. Short, engaging promo videos have the power to exponentially boost social shares (up to 1200%), drive up to 66% more qualified leads per year, and increase revenue and ROI for the brand.

Promotional videos are typically just 1-2 minutes long, but don’t mistake their short length for anything less than incredibly powerful! These videos have the capacity to:

Improve consumer awareness around your business.
Increase b2b marketing conversions.
Drive industry-related media growth.
Increase conversions by up to 80%.
Help you grow your brand!

Featuring your wholesale brand in a promo video is a great way to get your video marketing started and increase your digital presence.

Marketing Videos for Fish & Seafood Wholesaling

bbp video creator editing

Video marketing is an excellent way to increase audience insights into your wholesaling business so that you can boost consumer trust and generate more sales. Whether you’re producing a short, social media marketing series that drives increased social shares and generates maximum engagement for your brand online, or you’re more focused on the production of branded videos that can be shared on your landing pages, website, or in your email campaigns, we can help.

Marketing Video Production for Fish & Seafood Wholesaling can:

Increase consumer access to your business.
Improve audience trust in your brand.
Boost revenue from industry related sales.
Maximize your ROI.
Generate up to 49% faster overall revenue growth for your brand.

Many fish & seafood wholesalers are already using video to educate their audiences and increase social proof around their brands, your decision to get started with video could boost your income & help you to generate more digital sales almost immediately.

Training Videos for Fish & Seafood Wholesaling

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Whether you’re training incoming employees that will operate in sales, marketing, or production, training videos for fish & seafood wholesaling businesses are an important step toward boosting employee morale and reducing turnover rates that could negatively impact your brand. Not only do your employees prefer video-based training, but more than 88% of businesses are already utilizing some form of video in their training programs, so if you’re not actively delivering video-based training programs to your team, you could be left behind.

Training videos improve productivity, and they reduce the total amount of time that you spend training and onboarding each newly hired employee that becomes a member of your team. With many larger companies in the wholesaling business spending less than 12 minutes training new employees, video is a great opportunity to improve training outcomes, keep training consistent across the brand, and ensure the success of your team!

Interview Videos for Fish & Seafood Wholesaling

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Ultimately, the level of trust that you can build between your brand and the consumer market that you’re trying to sell to is going to be a key factor in whether or not your revenue from sales grows. Interview videos that represent the expertise and experience that your key team members have in your niche are essential to boosting audience confidence in your offer.

We produce many different types of interview videos for fish & seafood wholesaling businesses to help them build up audience trust and commitment to the industry. This is one of the many ways that Team Beverly Boy will use expert Video Production for Fish & Seafood Wholesaling businesses to grow revenue, generate sales, and increase ROI across the brand.