Video Production for Family Counseling & Crisis Intervention Services

Family counseling and crisis intervention services provide a wide range of community-based or state-based assistance and support to those who are struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol, mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression, suicidal thoughts, or things like trauma, hunger, rape, or other crisis’. A $48 billion dollar industry that is represented by more than 108K businesses across the country, family counseling & crisis intervention services largely operate on government grants and various private donations, therefore funding fluctuates alongside federal government changes. Video Production for Family Counseling & Crisis Intervention Services is very much focused on building community awareness around the risk for trauma or other crisis as well as the services and support offerings that are available.

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Beverly Boy Productions works with many different businesses in the family counseling & crisis intervention services industry to provide expert video content that encourages members of the community that are struggling with various trauma or crisis to seek the support of these centers and to overcome the challenges that they are facing. Video content also includes inspirational messaging, delivery of key insights into community events & promotions, and training for employees working within this industry to aid in their ability to understand their roles and to better provide support within their communities.

Promotional Videos for Family Counseling & Crisis Intervention Services

Promotional Video Production for Family Counseling & Crisis Intervention Services typically provide community awareness into the various programs, services, and unique opportunities that are offered by these businesses to help their communities out. Promo videos are often short, engaging, and packed full of messaging that helps the community to better understand the help that is readily available to them and to gain insight into the next steps necessary for them to overcome the challenges that they face.

Keep in mind that family counseling centers do not have to use promo videos to “Sell” their services to the community but rather to share their message of support and community service in order to encourage people to seek the services that they readily provide.

Marketing Videos for Family Counseling & Crisis Intervention Services

Marketing videos are essential to creating a community of followers around family counseling & crisis intervention services and to building audience awareness around the support options that are provided.

Many businesses in this industry utilizing video marketing for a variety of purposes including:

• Building up audience awareness.
• Providing social media support & encouragement.
• Educating consumers about the risks associated with trauma, mental illness, addiction or a variety of other crisis situations or scenarios.
• Informing communities of the local assistance opportunities that are available.
• Generating leads for therapy or support.
• Introducing key services or products that are available to assist consumers.

Marketing Video Production for Family Counseling & Crisis Intervention Services is important because marketing videos have a higher conversion rate, they increase website traffic & leads, and they boost social media reach & shares by up to 1200% or more.

Training Videos for Family Counseling & Crisis Intervention Services

Training videos are utilized by nearly 9 out of 10 businesses. Those that are not currently using some kind of video in their training programs are actively considering the addition of video to their campaigns. For family counseling & crisis intervention services, training videos provide essential guidance and visual path-based learning opportunities that improve employee outcomes, reduce training times, and keep employees fully engaged in the content they’re learning.

Training videos can be used for a variety of purposes in the family counseling & crisis intervention services industry including:

• Educating new employees on roles & responsibilities.
• Providing trauma education to employees.
• Onboarding employees so that they fully understand key software needs or digital operations.
• Providing employees with insights into key record-keeping practices.
• Providing employees with education on maintaining client privacy.

Ask any executive level employee if they’d rather train with video or a written training document, and 59% are going to choose video because it’s faster, easier, and more efficient than reading. In fact, employees retain 95% of the message delivered with a training video compared to less than 10% when a manual is provided.

Interview Videos for Family Counseling & Crisis Intervention Services

Gaining the trust of your local community is absolutely vital for a family counseling center or a crisis intervention services provider, but many of your clients are going to be hurt, abused, traumatized, and exceptionally hard to console. Building their trust, is probably going to be one of your greatest challenges. Interview videos, especially interviews with past clients, are an excellent opportunity to generate trust among your key audience.

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Expert interviews are valuable trust-building opportunities as well. Not only do they allow you to share key insights into your experience and expertise, but they prove your industry-specific background and are important to showing others in the community that your business is legit. Ask Team Beverly Boy about expert interview Video Production for Family Counseling & Crisis Intervention Services that can help you build a community of followers that trust your business to provide key support throughout your community.