Top 5 Video Marketing Sites to Optimize Your Video for Submission

The days of producing a single “About Us” or similar corporate video and calling your video marketing complete are long over. You can’t use a one and done approach in today’s highly competitive video marketing environment. In fact, where we once had maybe one or two high quality video marketing sites to consider sharing our content on, we now have potentially a hundred or more options that all seem in some way potentially viable for success.

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Let’s Get Started

You know that video marketing is important, and you realize there are all these different video marketing sites to choose from, but which ones are best and how do you go about optimizing your content for submission?

At Beverly Boy Productions we regularly work with clients that wonder where and how they should be distributing their video content once it’s produced. That’s why we’ve decided to put together this guide on the top 5 video marketing sites and the optimization steps you should use when submitting to each.

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#1. Facebook

Posting your video to your own Facebook account is an important distribution step. If you created a particularly long video, you may consider only sharing clips or shortened versions of the video on your Facebook page, and that’s perfectly okay!

Before submitting your video to Facebook, consider the following optimization tips:

-Use original clips from your video and post them on Facebook first as “native” videos to get maximum reach and exposure for your brand.

-Use typography or other branding elements in your video to help consumers make the connection between your video and your brand.

-Choose an aspect ratio that is ideal for mobile devices as most people viewing a video on Facebook will come through mobile.

-Keep the video about 15 seconds or less.

facebook descriptions increase video CTR

#2. Instagram

The next place you’re going to consider submitting your video is Instagram. Alongside Facebook, Instagram is in the top 3 when it comes to video marketing sites and place you want to share your video content.

While posting to Instagram may appear just an extension of your Facebook post, you should again consider creating a clip or format of the video specific to Instagram and it should be posted as a “native” video to the site for maximum reach.

Before submitting the video consider the following optimization tips:

-Consider a 4:5 aspect ratio for maximum deliverability.

-Remove audio from the video so that your viewer doesn’t get surprised by unexpected, or even potentially unwanted audio.

-Use a catchy cover photo, caption and filters to maximize the visibility of your video and keep your audience most engaged.

instagram marketing

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#3. Yelp

If you’re a local business, Yelp is probably the next best in line of video marketing sites for you to publish your video to. Yelp is an amazing tool for generating new business and driving traffic to your website or storefront.

Consider producing videos specifically for Yelp that can be used to generate more appointments or walk-ins for your local business.

Follow these video optimization tips to get the most out of your submission:

-Incentivize your video with a call to action. Help the consumer to see the value in doing whatever it is you expect them to do — give them an incentive!

-Consider customer reviews for your Yelp page. Testimonials can provide would be customers with the social proof and trust they need to visit your business on their own.

-Include a video that shows your location off and helps people to see what you have to offer. Keep the video short (30 seconds) for maximum views.

yelp desktop

#4. YouTube

No list of video marketing sites would be complete without YouTube! Quite possibly the most frequently thought of site when video marketing sites are considered, YouTube has several obvious benefits since it’s the second largest social media platform in existence and is owned by Google.

In fact, that’s one of the biggest reasons to add your video to YouTube — as it can help you increase your Google reach.

Before you do, consider these YouTube video optimization tips:

-Consider hosting your YouTube videos on a schedule so that your viewers have something to look forward to and will come back to see what you have to offer week after week.

-Use keyword rich tags, titles and descriptions to help people find your content. Don’t just guess, do keyword research to find out how people search for relative content.

-Use a custom video thumbnail image that includes a human face for optimal click through rates.

youtube marketing tip

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#5. LinkedIn

If your business is a B2B brand or you’re looking to increase your professional network in any capacity, LinkedIn is one of the top video marketing sites to host your videos on.

Like Facebook, LinkedIn favors native videos so you should consider creating videos specific for LinkedIn to expand your reach and exposure. Posts with video have priority on LinkedIn.

Consider the following LinkedIn video optimization tips for success:

-Create your video in LinkedIn to maximize your reach and exposure. LinkedIn favors native videos.

-Choose an attractive thumbnail image that your viewers will be likely to click on.

-Use keyword rich title, description, and tags in  your video. Your transcript should be written (do not use an auto generated transcript) and it should also include keywords as well as subheadings that help the viewer to see the value of your content.