Should You Outsource Video Production?

Consumers crave video more than any other marketing medium. According to recent estimates, there are more than 2.6 billion viewers of digital content which are expected to consume an average of 100 minutes of online video per day. Video is certainly irreplaceable and must be part of your marketing strategy, but do you have to produce all of your video content in-house or Should You Outsource Video Production for your business?

Certainly there is no doubting the importance of video for just about type of business today. Every business owner, brand, and industry from healthcare to hospitality, education to information technology is in need of video content to teach, train, market and manage their business in our technological world. But just because every business needs video, doesn’t mean every business is equipped to produce video.

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Just as an accountant is not likely to take on the responsibility of healthcare for their customers, so too is it important for these brands to recognize when it makes sense to outsource video production in order to maximize overall benefits and the success of video marketing campaigns. Not all businesses are equipped to take on the technical aspects of video production nor do they want to!

So, Should You Outsource Video Production for your brand? The answer is, it depends! It’s really a matter of preference over anything, but outside of preference you’ve got to think about what’s right for your brand’s budget, resources, and skills. At Beverly Boy Productions, we believe if prioritizing excellence and quality for our business, and for yours.

To learn more about our video production services, give us a call.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Video Production

As we seek to answer the question, “Should You Outsource Video Production,” we start with a simple list of pros and cons, just as we would with any other decisions we’re trying to make for our business. When it comes to filmmaking, you have basically two options for your brand:  You can DIY the video content in-house, either meaning yourself or someone on your team will be producing the video, or you can outsource the project to someone else, usually a freelancers or a full-service video production team such as Team Beverly Boy.

The benefits or pros of taking on the task of producing video content in-house or by yourself include possibly saving some money or maintaining full autonomy of the project and you might save time – maybe. However, more than likely, you’ll spend a lot on equipment, you’ll waste a ton of time trying to perfect an incredibly technical task that takes film crews years to get right, and you will probably find that your video content is less than what you or your audience desire – and that you should have just outsourced!

There are actually several benefits to outsourcing video production for your business. By hiring a film crew you get expertise in the industry which means you get high quality videos that are going to compete with other brands. You get a team that is knowledgeable and focused on delivering you the best of the best – you won’t have to settle for something less than perfect because they don’t know how to do something or they’re just learning – you can expect high quality, and you’ll get it!

Film equipment can be insanely expensive! Unless you’re going to be filming on a daily basis, it just might not make sense in investing the tens of thousands of dollars in equipment that would be required in order to keep your filmmaking in-house. Outsourcing video production allows you to work with different creators on different projects. In fact, if you wanted to, you could easily have multiple projects going at a time – without the workload overwhelming your own team.

Additional Pros of outsourcing video production:

  • Expert storytellers write your scripts.
  • Professional talent, including actors and voice artists, work on your projects.
  • No need to source and purchase equipment, talent, locations or studio rentals.
  • Let the pros handle the video, while your team focuses on what you’re best at.
  • Special effects and animation included – these are skills that could take your team years to learn.
  • Less overhead.

Granted, if you put together your own in-house film production team, you could get many of these same benefits but for the average business, this simply isn’t feasible. Establishing, and growing, a film production team is hard work – especially if you’re not skilled in film production yourself. Who’s going to oversee the project? Who’s going to make sure things are done correctly? How will you know if that is happening?

Should You Outsource Video Production for Your Business?

Ultimately, deciding whether to film in-house or to outsource video production is a decision meant to be made by you for your business specifically. While it all depends on what’s most suitable for your business, if you’re only looking to produce a couple of videos here and there, or if you’re just trying to get your feet wet in the video marketing industry, then outsourcing your videos is probably the ideal choice.


While having an internal video production team available to take on your projects could be a good thing, it’s going to cost tens of thousands upfront to get started, and an in-house team means salaries for multiple members of a production crew including cinematographers, screenwriters, a director, talent, voice talent, editors, special effects artists – can you see how this could get very costly, very quickly? If you were to hire all of these individuals on full-time you could be looking at several hundred thousand dollars per year in expenses – certainly if you intend to produce video daily, that might be feasible, but for the average business, it’s just not.

While the decision is yours, when you ask, “Should You Outsource Video Production?” it’s important for you to consider whether it might make sense to pay on a per-video basis, as you would if you were to outsource, in which case you could expect between $1,000 and $10,000 per minute of video or does your business have the time, budget and resources to take on an in-house film crew that would cost potential $200,000 per year or more? For most businesses, the answer is simple – outsourcing video production is best.

To outsource video production to Beverly Boy Productions, give us a call! We look forward to work with you!