Minority Owned Production Company in Fresno

Do you want to do your part to ensure inclusivity by hiring a Minority Owned Production Company in Fresno to work on and film your upcoming video project? Or are you a minority entrepreneur that owns a small business which is looking for a corporate video or 30-second commercial for your promotional needs? Are you a woman, veteran, a member of the LGBTQ community or a member of another minority group that’s hoping to hire a production company in Fresno to turn your ideas into reality?  

If vendor diversity is important to you & your company, you’ll find that Team Beverly Boy is an African American owned production company that also does what it can to hire and support many minority groups including LGBTQ production crew members and female film crew & staff. We provide service in Selma, Reedley, and Dinuba.

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Minority Owned Production Company in Fresno

Despite diversity and inclusion increasing in importance in this world, the film industry is one that still falls short. With cultural diversity, minority inclusivity and the representation of marginalized communities in film, there’s definitely a long way to go to pass up the “underrepresented” threshold. At Team Beverly Boy, you’ll find a team that’s all about doing what we can to promote encourage inclusivity.

As a Minority Owned Production Company in Fresno with over 20 years in the industry, our team specializes in the creation and delivery of expert film for all of our clients. Our innovative team of LGBTQ production crew members, black filmmakers, and top-notch producers are available for various types of budgets, plus video projects.

More than that, when you work with our Minority Owned Production Company in Fresno, you’ll do a lot to support corporate supplier diversity and inclusivity within the film industry. The result? You’ll get innovation, expertise, and most of all, amazing footage and video content for your brand. We also service San Benito County, Monterey, and Madera counties.

Black Owned Production Company

Working with a black owned production company like Team Beverly Boy to create great video using strategy and unique concepts that make a difference in the outcome of your project is just one way to support black creators. Did you know that supporting diversity and inclusion and growth among minority groups is supremely beneficial to the economy as well?

The benefits of hiring a black owned production company in Fresno reach beyond just being culturally inclusive and diverse. Black filmmakers in Fresno have input on the best places to film around town, including Chukchansi Park or the Brix Mansion. From beginning to end, our black production team will guide you to the hidden parts of Fresno where you’ll find the unique vibes found in this area, like the Forestiere Underground Gardens.

There is a plethora of benefits found in having a Minority Owned Production Company in Fresno on your side. Whether you need a promotional video, an interview video, or an explainer video, working with top crews like ours will result in amazing outcomes. We also service 93650 and 93703

Here are a few benefits found in producing with a Minority Owned Production Company in Fresno:

  • Supplier Diversity. Working with an MBE can help diversify your clientele
  • More Opportunity. Minority-owned business can help you expand your opportunities.
  • Cost Savings
  • Innovation and Creativity.

Black Film Crew

As a Minority Owned Production Company in Fresno, when you work with Team Beverly Boy, you’ll get a top black film crew to work with you from the pre-production & story creation to post-production editing. We have a diverse team that offers great results and many of the businesses and brands we’ve worked with are as diverse as our crew. We are all about promoting cultural diversity throughout our brand.

If you want to work with a top team on a project in Fresno, hiring locally should be important for you, and so should vendor diversity. Working with a minority owned business like Beverly Boy Productions will not only gets you great local support and detailed attention for your project, but it also allows you to discover more about locations and details in the region.  Our team includes a black director & black producer as well as 1 or more diverse camera crew members that can provide expertise, knowledge, and quality film gear that can help ensure your project is a success.

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Whether you’re capturing a 30-second television spot, a corporate interview, or a series of educational videos or promos for social media, hiring a Minority Owned Production Company in Fresno to help you is a first critical step towards a successful film project. Call Team Beverly Boy and we’ll make sure to take care of everything for you!