Minority Owned Production Company in Fort Myers

Do you want to ensure inclusivity in the film industry? Start with your video project. You can do this by hiring a Minority Owned Production Company in Fort Myers. They are the perfect choice to help out a minority entrepreneur. You can be a small business owner or even a woman, a veteran, a member of the lgbtq community or another minority group member. A company like this is designed to help many different diverse businesses especially those that belong to minorities. Beverly Boy Productions can film any type of video production you need in Fort Myers.

If you want vendor diversity, Beverly Boy Productions is the production company for you. You’ll find we are an African American owned production company with an emphasis on diversity. This means that we have many diverse minority groups working with us. Not only will you find lgbtq production crew members you will find many other diverse individuals such as female crew members that we have on our staff. This will bring a lot of diversity and creativity from all over to your video production.  Anyone within the following cities can contact us for services: Cape Coral, North Fort Myers, Bonita Springs.

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Minority Owned Production Company in Fort Myers

Don’t let the underrepresented threshold of minorities that exist go without notice. Place more of an emphasis on the representation of marginalized communities especially in the film industry. A shift towards cultural diversity, minority inclusivity needs to happen. It needs to happen fast. While diversity and inclusion are often a topic of conversation there is not much action being taken in regards to this topic. When you film your video production you want a company that does its best to encourage inclusivity and also help the existing minority businesses that are out there. Beverly Boy Productions is that company.

Beverly Boy Productions is a Minority Owned Production Company in Fort Myers. This means we have a responsibility to a diverse minority Community, not only in the region but in the industry as well. That is why you will see many lgbtq production crew members, black filmmakers and other minority members working on our team. They bring a sense of diversity as well as experience and talent to the field that would otherwise be missing.

When you hire a Minority Owned Production Company in Fort Myers to work on your video you feel like you are doing the right thing. You actually are. You’re contributing to corporate Supplier Diversity and inclusivity. The corporation that you hired has diverse crew members. You are giving them work in the industry. You are letting them bring their talents and skills to your video production as well as, putting these on display for the whole world to see. The world can see just how creative these individuals are.  They can even film videos for you within the following counties: Lee, Marion, Okaloosa

Black Owned Production Company

As a black owned production company Beverly Boy Productions hires diverse crew members. When you hire us to film your video production you are doing all you can to support black creators, specifically those that we have hired. You are helping to encourage growth among minority groups. By growth we mean setting them up on the pathway to success. You are putting their talents on display for everyone to see. Everyone who watches the video they create with you will not only know your business but will see their names as well and know that these diverse individuals played a part in this.

Putting together a video in Fort Myers is a lot of work. That is why it’s important to make sure you are hiring a black owned production company in Fort Myers. You want diversity and creativity. Our black filmmaker in Fort Myers can bring that to your project. They can also recommend venues such as: Fort Myers Event Center, White Orchid at Oasis, The Heitman House. Even our black production team is talented but they also know their way around the city. They’ve been filming here for years. They can inform you of: the excellent beaches that are here. Fort Myers offers fishing. You’ll find plenty of shopping centers here as well. There are also lots of restaurants and resorts, making it fun for the whole family.

There are many reasons why you should hire a Minority Owned Production Company in Fort Myers. The Basics have already been covered. If showing off the diversity of your business is important to you then you will want to work with a production company that feels the same way. That is why you should choose Beverly Boy Productions. We do more than just create videos of all types,e are a diverse company and we help diverse businesses as well, specifically minority owned businesses. We know how to show your company in the proper way and also Implement strategies to help you reach a diverse audience.  Are you located within the following zip codes? Call us for services today: 33901, 33902, 33903

What other benefits does a minority own production company in Fort Myers bring?

  • More opportunity. Minority owned businesses can help you expand your opportunity.
  • Supplier Diversity. Working with an MBE can help diversify your clientele.
  • Cost savings
  • Innovation and creativity

Black Film Crew

When you hire a diverse company, you are going to be a black film crew. That is the type of crew that Beverly Boy Productions has to offer you. We take things a step further. When you want to know about your project and receive updates about it, we will contact you during pre-production and story creation to the post-production editing. This way you’re always informed and what’s happening with your project. That’s what makes us a better Minority Owned Production Company in Fort Myers.

Fort Myers is known for its diversity and culture. That means there are not only local businesses to support but diverse minority-owned businesses as well. You can do your part and hire a minority-owned business to produce your video production. This would be Beverly Boy Productions. Who do you get when you work with us? You get a black director who will be in charge of your video. You get a black producer who you can direct all your questions to, and you will also have diverse camera crew members working non-stop to make sure your video is Flawless from start to finish.

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As a Minority Owned Production Company in Fort Myers , Beverly Boy Productions has a duty to uphold diversity. Not just in the people that we hire. If you feel your business could benefit from a 30 second television spot, a corporate interview or a series of educational videos or promos for social media give us a call today. We not only know how to put together a Flawless video for you, we know how to play up your diversity and help you reach a more targeted audience.